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... 場European Square改名為自由與尊嚴廣場(Freedom and Human Dignity Sq ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年07月08日


... 目的往Sloane Square走,路經約克公爵廣場,發覺以前每逢周末在廣場擺賣的農夫市場也回來了,不同攤檔, ...全文


東瀛傳說 鬼怪燒肉

... 銅鑼灣The L. Square開業。店舖以神秘的日本民間傳說為主題,將夏日晚上的妖怪大遊行「百鬼夜行」故事注 ...全文


Why HK$10,000 isn’t good enough

... Tiananmen Square crackdown. Protests are also lined up for the anniversary of the handover on July 1. There is no way the cash handout, no matter how generous, would make people forget the painful epi ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-24


... Lafayette Square)的美國第七任總統傑克遜(Andrew Jackson)雕像。不過,防暴警察趕 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年06月24日

6.18 spells money for JD.com

For many Hongkongers, June is a highly political month with the commemoration of several key events such as the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989 and the start of the massive protests against the now ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-17

夾公仔店19萬承租W Square地舖

中原(工商舖)商舖租賃部表示,灣仔W Square地下B號舖,面積約2100方呎,獲夾公仔店以每月約19萬元承 ...全文


英抗議變三方混戰 逾百人被捕

... arliament Square)一帶,數以百計身穿球衣的極右分子自稱愛國者,高叫「英國」口號,聲稱要跟退役軍 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年06月15日

英極右組織號召上街 反BLM示威
周六對撼恐爆衝突 約翰遜:極端分子騎劫抗爭

... arliament Square)的紀念像,並計劃發動反BLM示威,足球流氓組織「民主足球小子聯盟」(Demo ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年06月13日


... Trafalgar Square,都有示威活動,也不見示威者互相保持兩米距離。健康部長Matt Hancock ...全文


英奴隸販銅像掉落河 約翰遜反對暴力示威

... arliament Square),示威者塗污前首相邱吉爾的雕像,寫上「種族主義者」字句,批評帶領英國贏得二戰 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年06月09日

曼徹斯特最高地標建築物 坐落CBD黃金地段 地標式摩天豪宅Deansgate Square僅約25萬英鎊起

... Deansgate Square最後一批精選單位。不妨把握現時英鎊低水趁低吸納,賺取更高回報。立即登記並親臨講 ...全文


America will heal itself. Can undemocratic Hong Kong heal?

... Tiananmen Square incident. Let me remind Zhou it was his country that used the military to kill peaceful protesters. China has yet to account for this tragedy. Instead, it has erased the tragedy by br ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-04

Hong Kong brain drain 2020

... Tiananmen Square crackdown on June 4, 1989, many Hongkongers sought to live abroad for fear of Communist Party rule. The same thing happened before the 1997 handover. Many panicked and packed up for B ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-03

特朗普訪教堂 警驅散和平示威者
神職人員斥「聖經不是道具」 民憤火上加油

... Lafayette Square)的和平示威者發射多枚催淚彈和橡膠子彈,快速驅散人群,為特朗普開路,讓他能夠在 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年06月03日


... 海外公司TIMES SQUARE OVERSEAS CO LTD名義購入,須付的BSD和DSD相當於樓價30% ...全文


緹山洋房3.5億沽 買家付1.05億辣稅

... 記買家為TIMES SQUARE OVERSEAS CO., LTD.,因買家為海外註冊公司,需要支付1.05 ...全文


首期港幣17萬起 倫敦學房區豪華住宅項目 分析疫情下英鎊走勢及倫敦各區房地產投資優勢 助你穩中求「升」

... 項目Queen's Square今個星期來港推售,由美聯環球舉辦的物業投資講座即場會有海外物業專家詳盡分析疫情 ...全文


Why the government doesn’t want the virus to go away

... Tiananmen Square massacre will not be allowed to take place. And there is every prospect that the key anniversaries of the protests in June will also be banned. Last week Chris Tang, the police chief, ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-01

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