... 。 最近國際共享空間WeWork殺入香江,許多人的反應是「成7000蚊一張枱, 咁貴邊租得起?」WeWork2 ...全文
... erated by WeWork, the world’s largest co-working company. Established in 2010, it operates co-working spaces in more than 50 cities worldwide, with more than 30,000 office desks. The idea of co-workin ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-26
... 共用辦公室服務供應商WeWork將於滙漢大廈開設在港的第二間辦事處,總樓面達6萬方呎,可容納約800個客戶,以 ...全文
... -working. WeWork has launched here and there are many smaller operators offering similar office space "memberships" as an alternative to conventional renting. Co-living is simply the residential equiv ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-26
美國共用辦公室服務供應商WeWork上周五向法院提出起訴,控告前員工斯特蘭奇(Joanna Strange)在 ...全文
... 的辦公室租賃初創公司WeWork上周表示,獲投資者注資4.3億美元,投資者包括聯想控股及其附屬公司弘毅投資兩家 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月14日