The Federal Reserve’s stunning about-face on rate increases along with weak economic data has left a key part of the US Treasury yield curve close to levels at which the US central bank has in the pas ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-26
聯儲局上周叫停繼續加息的計劃,主席鮑威爾語調轉鴿,衝擊美元表現。事隔不足一周,其他主要經濟體的央行也紛紛放鴿, ...全文
加拿大央行最高級的兩名官員接連唱好經濟,其中高級副行長暗示要開始考慮加息。投資者未料到央行會有如此鷹派取向,需 ...全文
美股周一曾急跌180點,其後有買盤趁低吸納,道指跌幅大為收窄【圖1】, 納指更加倒升,冚倉盤主導了周一美股表現 ...全文
馬來西亞貨幣林吉特成為特朗普當選美國總統後的最大受害者,過去9個交易日已累跌4.9%,分析更估計跌勢短期不會終 ...全文
United States bank Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (BBH) has signed an agreement with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC) that would enable its clients to help some of the world's bi ...More
EJ Insight2013-11-05