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... obability peak in the first 2 h, followed by a rapid de ...全文



... 都到齊、尖峰探險家(peak time expediter)讓繁忙時段排隊落單付款一直暢順、排班員(lineb ...全文



... 去年下半年由頂至底(peak-to-trough)滑落0.4%,為近70年來最溫和的衰退,國家統計局(ONS) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年05月11日

回歸大自然~Merrell 2024

尋回本源,追求快樂,是現代都市人的宏願。美國戶外品牌MERRELL春夏系列2024的靈感,正是帶領大家重投大自然懷抱,找回屬於自己的快樂。 文:羅倫斯 品牌近日發佈了多款集合防水、輕身、舒適、時尚集於一身的新作,包括Agility Peak 5 BOA GTX、Moab Speed 2 GTX、 Hydro Moc 、Hydro Slide 2、Waterpro Maipo 2,加入嶄新機能並改 ...More

EJ Insight2024-05-03


豐中市是喜愛清靜生活的富裕或中產家庭擇居的熱門地區之一,全新一戶建The Peak Presidence Hi ...全文


China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs–will it work?

... y had not peaked and its growth prospects were bright. ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年04月04日

China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs – will it work?

... y had not peaked and its growth prospects were bright. Last year Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into China fell to its lowest level for 30 years. Many foreign economist doubt that China will achieve ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-28

安踏多賺35%勝預期 末息增六成至1.15元

... 億元;不過,因就旗下Peak Performance業務確認商譽及商標減值,導致AS Holding期內錄得淨 ...全文


鄰近通天閣罕有新盤 200萬上車

... 須東近期發售THE PEAK TSUTENKAKU ELITE,開放式單位入場費200萬港元,是通天閣一帶罕有 ...全文


Look forward to breakthrough of PropTech

... of carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060. Under this “dual carbon” policy, it is imperative to reduce the carbon emissions generated by buildings in the future. However, while as many as 8 ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-18


... /東南亞啟用新品牌「Peak XV Partners」。 紅杉中國去年6月從紅杉資本分拆出來後,在新加坡設置辦 ...全文


天璽.海明開示位 帶100萬本票睇樓

... 8號Central Peak,也要預備200萬元本票才獲准參觀示範單位。 天瀧料第四季交樓 新地代理總經理陳漢 ...全文


How to encourage highly educated seniors return to workforce

... counter a peak of teacher retirement, and the authorities are thinking about how to make good use of these retired teacher resources. Under the Programme, more than 20,000 retired teachers were hired ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05


... yx、Atomic和Peak Performance等運動和戶外用品品牌,由安踏主導的財團在2019年提出收購 ...全文


Travel deficit during Christmas and possibly more

... aditional peak season. Christmas buffet is now much easier to book, and the only crowded district is Tsim Sha Tsui for Christmas countdown. Walking in Wanchai on Christmas night reminded me of the pai ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-27


購物旺點大阪心齋橋一帶發展成熟,由於地皮供應短缺,因此近年發展擴至鄰近的島之內,新盤The Peak Shin ...全文


What will it take to phase out fossil fuels?

... jected to peak globally by 2030, oil and gas remain a bad bet. Part of the problem is that governments have responded to price volatility by increasing fossil-fuel subsidies, rather than imposing wind ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-12

Hang Seng Index back to where it was in 1997

The hits just keep on coming for the Hong Kong stock market. At yesterday's closing, Hang Seng Index fell close to two per cent to the year-low of 16,327, below the peak in 1997. Not only Hong Kong is ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

How bad is the Hong Kong stock market? Take a look at Taiwan

...  from its peak in the last six years. Bad news for Mandatory Provident Fund holders with exposure to Hong Kong stocks as they have seen their account balance keep shrinking. Some may even see negative ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-29

Bonds are back

... rs cite a peak in the rate hiking cycle as the reason for increased allocations to fixed income. We believed that bonds are back in the eyes of Asian investors. Following over a decade of ultra-low in ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-14

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