... S、Android和Unity建立Web 3.0遊戲,並且獲取有關所需的開發工具,同時提升一些遊戲開發引擎的系 ...全文
... 和在2019年引入了Unity MR Linac放射治療機,此儀器融合了Unity 1.5T「磁力共振導航」技 ...全文
... maintain unity on sanctions. (On the other hand, Chinese President Xi Jinping has offered only limited support to Putin despite having proclaimed a “no limits” friendship with Russia, perhaps owing t ...More
EJ Insight2022-06-17
... sia. That unity must be maintained – at the very least, until the voluntary Finlandization of Asia that the Ukraine war has spurred begins to be reversed. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at ...More
EJ Insight2022-05-25
... mpressive unity in helping Ukraine counter the Russian invasion. It now needs to demonstrate the same level of resolve to protect the well-being of its own citizens and of the world in the face of mou ...More
EJ Insight2022-05-16
... national unity and armed resistance to Russia, Ukraine has publicly stated its positions only in somewhat contradictory bits and pieces. But Zelensky, in consultation with the US and Europe, which ar ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-29
... (National Unity Government,NUG),在法院外舉行記者會,其外長辛瑪昂(Zin Ma ...全文
... 了多輪融資。例如名家Unity Technologies的虛擬內容發展平台,在設立工業用虛擬影像下了不少工夫, ...全文
... ,對應Unreal及Unity兩大遊戲開發引擎,團隊亦會為合作遊戲開發商提供參考代碼(Reference Co ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年02月04日
... h seeming unity in both awe and fear, yet such reaction ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hongkonger2021年12月29日
... h seeming unity in both awe and fear, yet such reactions cannot and do not bring about profound and sustainable economic synergy between and across different economies. Soft power should not be confla ...More
EJ Insight2021-12-28
... peace and unity can be easily achieved just by having one, as we have all been traumatized by political divisions, generational discords and wealth rifts in recent years. Bishop Chow is a Jesuit, with ...More
EJ Insight2021-12-08
... 平台讓人設計遊戲),Unity Software(U,也是遊戲引擎),還有是Arista Networks(A ...全文
... ,更連跌兩日;其對手Unity(U)表現亦差,盤中曾插12.4%,收市仍急跌12%,收151.68美元。 立即 ...全文
Jean Monnet, an architect of the European Union, once said that European unity “will be forged in crises, and will be the sum of the solutions adopted for those crises.” The past decade and a half has ...More
EJ Insight2021-11-16
... ional community. But fears about the rise of China and suspicion of espionage have tipped the scale toward national priorities in recent years. In 2020, President Donald Trump issued an order banning ...More
EJ Insight2021-11-16
... Nvidia、軟件商Unity Software Inc.、中國「網上遊戲霸主」騰訊,還有「所有都想做」的亞馬 ...全文
... 達(Nvidia)和Unity Software等也在開發相關工具、服務和內容。 虛擬遊戲平台Roblox和E ...全文
... 產品。美國電玩開發商Unity高級副總裁Marc Whitten便認為,《財富》雜誌一千強企業全都需有一套元宇 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點2021年10月30日