Apple is in talks with Yangtze Memory Technologies over a potential deal for purchase of storage chips from the Chinese state-backed semiconductor manufacturer, according to the Nikkei. If the talks s ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-15
日本東芝(Toshiba)出售記憶體晶片業務的鬧劇終進入結局篇,東芝與其美國夥伴Western Digital ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年12月15日
「疾風知勁草,板蕩識誠臣」——唐太宗李世民〈贈蕭瑀〉。但西方亦有句諺語︰「Trees don't grow t ...全文
What is "Smart Money"? By definition, it refers to sophisticated investors who have a comprehensive observation and understanding of the financial markets, those who often spot and foresee trends befo ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-27
Western Digital Corp. said on Tuesday it will seek an injunction to block the sale of Toshiba Corp.’s prized semiconductor business to a rival group, upping the ante in an acrimonious battle with its ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-27
晶片講求速度,諷刺的是,日本東芝把晶片業務放盤,竟擾攘多時才有定案,周三同意將業務售予美國私募基金貝恩資本(B ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月22日
日本東芝晶片業務放盤擾釀近8個月終有定案,董事局昨天拍板,「飛起」其合作夥伴Western Digital C ...全文
東芝出售晶片業務再添變數,消息指東芝的美國夥伴Western Digital(WD)有意退出競標財團,以換取在 ...全文
北韓在剛過去的周日進行第六次核試,成功在地下坑道試爆氫彈,並稱可裝載在洲際彈道導彈彈頭上,估計威力達去年測試的 ...全文
A consortium led by Bain Capital has made a revised last-ditch offer for Toshiba Corp’s chip unit worth about US$18 billion, bringing in Apple Inc. to help bolster its bid, Reuters reports, citing sou ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-31
A consortium led by Western Digital Corp is close to an agreement to buy Toshiba Corp.’s US$17.4 billion chip business, with the US firm’s CEO in Tokyo to finalize the long and contentious talks, Reut ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-29
日本《朝日新聞》昨天報道,東芝已同意將旗下晶片業務售予包括其美國夥伴Western Digital(WD)的美 ...全文
路透引述消息報道,東芝在晶片業務的美國夥伴Western Digital(WD)將率領一個美日財團,出價1.9 ...全文
東芝出售晶片業務峰迴路轉,日本傳媒報道,東芝現時優先跟美國半導體商Western Digital(WD)為首的 ...全文
日本東芝昨天表示,計劃在沒有美國合資夥伴Western Digital參與下,繼續原定的投資計劃,獨資1950 ...全文