
共 1385 個結果
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Giddy markets and grim politics

... potential sharp growth slowdown in China, which more than any other major economy in the world today seems vulnerable to a significant financial crisis. Perhaps the number one risk to the global econo ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09

The brain diet: Eating for maximum brainpower

... f staying sharp and mentally healthy,” says Uma Naidoo, MD, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), an Instructor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and an expert on the effects ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-05


... 力稱之為「銳實力」(sharp power)。雜誌《經濟學人》最近的一篇封面報道則將「銳實力」定義為依賴「顛覆 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2018年01月05日

Israel proposes ban on trading shares of cryptocurrency firms

... e after a sharp rise in shares of Blockchain Mining, a company that said it would shift its focus from mining for gold and iron to mining cryptocurrencies. “This phenomenon, if it continues, may in th ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-05

銳實力(Sharp Power)

2017年12月,《經濟學人》以「中國銳實力」為封面,分析中國如何利用各地代理人和自身經濟實力,強加自身意願和 ...全文



... 中國所謂「銳實力」(sharp power)全球擴張的恐懼。 要了解何謂銳實力,得先分清它跟較多人認識的硬實力 ...全文


Bitcoin recovers some losses after its worst week since 2013

... risk of a sharp fall in prices is high. Prices of other cryptocurrencies, which slid along with bitcoin last week, have also recovered, with Ethereum, the second-biggest cryptocurrency by market size, ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-27

派對留影必備 小巧相片打印機

... 之相片要靚,顏色要夠sharp,查實『靚』即是打印密度高,『鮮艷』就是要求相片的色彩飽和度高,成像清晰。」等同 ...全文



... 、而且以「尖銳力」(sharp power)崛起、冒升;該雜誌還附圖描繪中國把地球變成一個鑲滿尖錐的鏈球體,反 ...全文


Singapore MAS urges 'extreme caution' over cryptocurrencies

... risk of a sharp reduction in prices is high. Investors in cryptocurrencies should be aware that they run the risk of losing all their capital." Warning that there is no regulatory safeguard for invest ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-20

US dollar may stage a comeback next year

... dex saw a sharp pullback this year. But as the US economy is expected to maintain its strength in 2018, and interest rates will go up further, the US dollar should move higher next year. If the tax re ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-15

WTO meeting ends in stalemate

... ence with sharp criticisms of the WTO. The 23-year-old trade body requires unanimity among all 164 WTO member countries to reach any agreement. Lighthizer told WTO ministers on Monday that it was impo ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

Bitcoin investing: The ABCs and the risks you need to know

The Chinese government has banned all fundraising activities through initial coin offerings as well as ordered a shutdown of bitcoin exchanges, leading to a sharp drop in bitcoin prices at one point. ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-12

Newspaper titles retain value

... s after a sharp drop initially. A number of newspapers, for instance, have managed to hold their readership for the last two years in spite of the impact of the internet. According to an IPSO media su ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-11

iPhone明年新機 一款傳續用LCD

... ,特別是日本的聲寶(Sharp)和Japan Display(JDI),因為如果蘋果一如早前揣測,完全轉用OL ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月09日

Bitcoin surges above US$16,000 as bubble fears grow

... able to a sharp reversal, Reuters noted. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon famously called bitcoin a fraud in September. "Bitcoin remains a major gamble as it is very much an asset that remains in unchar ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-08

How Ren Zeping's pay jumped 200 times in three years

... ks to his sharp predictions, he was ranked as the top analyst in the macro economy team at the 2015 The New Fortune Best Analyst, and ranked third the following year. The New Fortune Best Analyst is a ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-06

The US is exporting obesity

As US President Donald Trump's administration throws sharp elbows in trade negotiations and systematically rescinds regulations introduced by President Barack Obama, one casualty is likely to be effor ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-04

Electric car makers face real test as policy incentives dry up

... del has a sharp design and top speed of 201 mph. The luxury sedan, priced at HK$1.07 million, could reach 100 mph in four seconds. Nearly 30 Roadsters were sold during the first six months after the l ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-01

What to do if you have missed the new-economy stock boom

... ccasional sharp pullbacks make position management a nightmare, especially for those unfamiliar with such plays. For investors who have missed the boom so far and are eager to jump on the bandwagon, t ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-29

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