香港民族黨召集人陳浩天下周二將應邀到香港外國記者會(FCC)演講。消息稱,香港電台昨早召開例行編輯會議期間,廣 ...全文
香港外國記者會(FCC)邀請主張港獨的香港民族黨召集人陳浩天演講,連日被親中及建制陣營口誅筆伐,外交部駐港特派 ...全文
有報道指廣播處長梁家榮今早在港台例行編輯會議,下令不可直播香港民族黨召集人陳浩天在外國記者會(FCC)的演說。 ...全文
Former chief executive Leung Chun-ying dismissed allegations that his social media posts in the past few days were meant to threaten the Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC) for inviting pro-independenc ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-09
... Kong. The FCC has a long history of providing a platform for anyone who believes he or she has something of value to express, provided it can be done intelligibly. The fact that it affords a speaker a ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-09
香港外國記者會(FCC)邀請香港民族黨召集人陳浩天演講,遭內地及香港官方抨擊。立法會前主席曾鈺成於報章撰文表示 ...全文
香港外國記者會(FCC)邀請香港民族黨召集人陳浩天下周二以「香港民族主義」為題進行演講,先後被外交部駐港特派員 ...全文
香港外國記者會(FCC)發聲明表示,邀請香港民族黨召集人陳浩天於本月14日出席午餐會演講,不代表外國記者會支持 ...全文
外交部駐港特派員公署據報要求香港外國記者會(FCC),重新考慮邀請香港民族黨召集人陳浩天演講。對此,前港督彭定 ...全文
... ts’ Club (FCC) to invite Andy Chan Ho-tin, co-founder and convenor of the pro-independence Hong Kong National Party (HKNP), to speak at the club on Aug. 14. She said it is entirely inappropriate for t ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-06
香港外國記者會(FCC)邀請香港民族黨召集人陳浩天,於本月14日就香港民族主義等題目演講,外交部駐港特派員公署 ...全文
香港民族黨召集人陳浩天原定14日(周二)就香港民族主義等議題在香港外國記者會(FCC)演講,惟有報道指外交部駐 ...全文
... sday. The FCC said the judge will review whether Sinclair engaged in misrepresentation or a lack of candor and whether the deal would violate the FCC’s broadcast ownership rules. Sinclair did not imme ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-20