US President Donald Trump has blocked Broadcom's bid for Qualcomm on grounds of national security, putting an end to what would have been the technology industry's biggest deal ever. Trump issued an o ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-13
... adcom)對高通(Qualcomm)進行收購。 博通較早時提出以1170億美元收購高通。後者拒絕了有關收購建 ...全文
... 續推動收購美國高通(Qualcomm)的建議。 財政部在周一公開的信件指出,CFIUS經調查後,確認博通收購高 ...全文
... 收購美國註冊的高通(Qualcomm),但後者拒接納收購建議。博通要求高通召開股東會,更換董事,同時計劃遷冊回 ...全文
《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,倘若博通(Broadcom)成功收購高通(Qualcomm),英特爾(Intel ...全文
Broadcom sought to soothe US security concerns related to its bid for chipmaker Qualcomm, saying on Wednesday that it remains committed to investments aimed at making the United States a leader in 5G ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-08
... 府對該公司收購高通(Qualcomm)成功後,可能危及國家安全的關注。 美國財政部旗下外國投資委員會(CFIU ...全文
周一傳出美國政府介入調查新加坡晶片商博通(Broadcom)企圖收購美國對手高通(Qualcomm)的交易後, ...全文
《華爾街日報》引述消息人士稱,美國晶片集團高通(Qualcomm)與中國華為集團,就專利權糾紛進行協商,可能在 ...全文
... 元吞併競爭對手高通(Qualcomm)。 博通行政總裁陳福陽(Hock Tan)的大計看來未能得逞,他去年11 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年03月07日
... dcom)收購高通(Qualcomm)的建議進行國家安全評估。有關決定導致高通延遲原定3月6日舉行的股東特別大 ...全文
The US government has ordered a national security review of Singapore-based Broadcom Ltd.’s US$117 billion bid for Qualcomm Inc., in an unusual move that would require Qualcomm to delay its March 6 sh ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-06
... chipmaker Qualcomm and Taiwanese phone maker Asus, with the firms touting AI capabilities in their latest products and stressing the need for the technology adoption to make gadgets smarter and truly ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-01
... 劃收購競爭對手高通(Qualcomm),博通行政總裁陳福陽(Hock Tan)就以這種非常方式開局。 博通要講 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月23日
Qualcomm has been the leader in the mobile broadband modem market over the past decade as it transitioned from 3G to 4G mobile network technology. However, the world’s top three smartphone makers hav ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-21
US semiconductor company Qualcomm Inc. unveiled a sweetened US$44 billion agreement to acquire NXP Semiconductors NV, the most defiant move in its defense against a hostile US$121 billion bid from Bro ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-21