
共 2855 個結果
頁數:1...31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ...143

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey backs crypto startup CoinList

... s company Square, which launched a separate cryptocurrency business unit, Square Crypto, building its product focusing on Bitcoin, earlier this year. Square’s mobile payment service Cash App has been ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-31

Behind the closure of celebrity chef Steve Lee's restaurant

...  of 4,400 square feet, had to pay a monthly rent of over HK$500,000. Lee later revealed that Ding's Club needed a daily revenue of HK$100,000 just to break even. Lee went on to open D&K Roasted Go ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

A (tiny) room with a view

... suring 60 square feet. In terms of cost per share foot, the tenant is shelling out HK$233 (nearly US$30) for his living quarters, making it perhaps the most expensive subdivided unit in the city. To p ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

Firefighters struggle against wind-whipped California wildfire

... nearly 80 square miles (207 square kilometers) of wine country, has burned down 79 structures since it broke out on Wednesday but no casualties have been reported. Investigators have not yet said what ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28


... 泰國餐廳(Thai Square)在此特別顯眼,這餐廳我們去過兩次,第一次是剛剛到學校的那天中午,餐廳裝飾雅致 ...全文


Taiwan in mind, Beijing channels overseas Chinese influence

... Tiananmen Square on Oct. 1 to mark seven decades of Communist party rule in China, he said: "At this very moment, Chinese people of all ethnic groups and all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nati ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-21

土國出兵轉視線 深層撕裂未解決

... 廣場(Taksim Square)的爭議。這個大型重建項目是正義與發展黨(AKP)2011年的選舉政綱,希望重 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點楊庭輝2019年10月19日

A flat owner's story

... uring 392 square feet for HK$5.17 million. However, the buyer failed to complete the deal and walked away after paying a HK$100,000 deposit. The owner lowered his asking price to HK$5.1 million, but o ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18

Carrie Lam vows every Hong Kong family will have their own home

... 0,000 per square foot. To provide assistance to young professionals and first-time homebuyers, the government is raising the cap on the value of the properties under the insurance program of the Hong ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-16

Turkey pushes offensive in Syria despite US sanctions

... han 1,000 square kilometers (386 miles) around Manbij, including Tabqa military airfield. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said an attack from Manbij that killed one Turkish soldier was launched by Sy ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-16

Open letter to US Congress: Why HK Democracy Act must be opposed

... all as 16 square feet, and the majority of working-class families live in tiny partitioned apartments that are smaller than a parking space. This inequality, extreme inequality of income, shortage of ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

CE policy address to focus on housing in bid to regain support

... 3 million square feet of its farmland reserves for social housing, while Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. (00012.HK) said it would donate land in Yuen Long to build youth and other subsidized housi ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

Mask ban aimed at curbing crimes, not stopping protests: Cheung

...  to 2,600 square meters (28,000 square feet) of brick-paved sidewalks. On Friday, MTR chief of operations Sammy Wong Kwan-wai said 85 of the 93 heavy-rail stations had been vandalized by protesters, w ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-11

Stripe拓貸款服務 收買人心

... 付巨頭PayPal及Square也照辦煮碗。甚至在荷蘭上市的同行Adyen亦有樣學樣,這個勁敵市值200億歐羅 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年10月11日

Zhuhai bets heavily on Greater Bay Area

... e 226,000 square meter lot, located north of Zhuhai port, is the largest to go on sale since the announcement of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) in 2017. The level of interest and prices bid will show how ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-08

Climate protesters block streets around the world

... Trafalgar Square and marched down the Mall, the avenue that leads to Buckingham Palace. They carried banners with slogans including “Climate change denies our children a future unless we act now”. Def ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-08


... 廣場(Tahrir Square)示威,惟當地已關閉。據報國會在上周六下午的緊急議事程序都未能進行。 聯合國: ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月07日

Death toll climbs, unrest spreads in Iraq in days of protests

... s Tayaran Square and attempted to march onto the central Tahrir Square but were met with open fire and heavy tear gas. Police used live ammunition in the Zaafaraniya district of Baghdad, where three p ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-04

教士籲罷工局勢惡化 巴格達宵禁

... 廣場(Tahrir Square)集結,當局出動保安部隊向天開槍驅散群眾。在旁邊的街道,有示威者徹夜留守,直至 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月04日

Protesters go on a rampage over shooting of teenage student

... o Tai Pei Square and Yi Pei Square, also in Tseun Wan, seeking to damage a row of shuttered mahjong parlors with steel pipes and bamboo sticks. They were able to enter one mahjong parlor, trashed the ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-03

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