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【盤房來料】濠賭股續牌不明朗 暫不宜接飛刀

... 未消退下,科網股都係keep住弱,持續有波幅,冇升幅。 不過,濠賭股表現更差,因為澳門政府今日起就修改《博彩法 ...全文


Blue Jays, add oil!

... t if they keep playing the way they did, no one would be surprised if they overtook the Rays and became dominant in the playoff spot. Yes, they dropped the opening game of the series against league-wo ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-15

Closing the nature-finance gap

... needed to keep global warming well below 2° Celsius. The first draft of the new global biodiversity action plan emphasizes the importance of closing the $700 billion annual financing gap by 2030. It c ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-14


... 開市後,頭段時間都仲keep住有逾300點跌幅,依家已經見到指數跌幅略為擴大,至跌453點,報25752點,睇 ...全文


Biden’s two types of multilateralism

... ast year. Keeping the participant list short and including only governments fully committed to and practicing liberal democracy – albeit with some failures to protect human rights, as is the case in t ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-10

Back to the 1970s

With the United States’ disastrous exit from Afghanistan, the parallels between the 2020s and the 1970s just keep growing. Has a sustained period of high inflation just become much more likely? Until ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-06

Why the stagflation threat is real

... ating and keep inflation at bay. Today’s mild stagflation will then give way to a happy goldilocks outcome – stronger growth and lower inflation – by next year. But what if this optimistic view is inc ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-03

黃智賢經歷「平台期」勇於外闖 增值自己

... ,過程本身就是意義。Keep fit,除了幫到外觀,更重要在磨練毅力。我只轉枱,沒離場便未為輸,有點似賭徒心態 ...影片


No cross border travel till March 2022?

... wanted to keep the Covid situation under control before the Winter Olympics Game in February. In other words, the border will be closed for at least another six months. That is to say people who fancy ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-01

Global wealth migration supercharged by Asian HNWIs

... ooking to keep their assets safe or secure more flexibility for the future. Meanwhile, active programs are best suited for entrepreneurial-minded HNWIs who intend to establish and operate a business t ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

COVID-19 fuels HK-Shenzhen cooperation in biotech

...  measures keep abreast with international development and Hong Kong’s strengths. Even more vital, a long-term strategic plan through the year 2035 is also underway. However, Hong Kong has not issued a ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

On Townhalls

... rnment to keep its own performance in check, to pledge ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年08月31日

America’s Big Oil problem

... hange. To keep our planet habitable, popular majorities in favor of climate action – beginning with Americans – must come together and demand that their government do what is needed. Copyright: Projec ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-30

新紮師兄 黃智賢

... ,過程本身就是意義。Keep fit,除了幫到外觀,更重要在磨練毅力。我只轉枱,沒離場便未為輸,有點似賭徒心態 ...全文



... 今朝睇返回升勢頭仍然Keep到,問題在於DMI嘅ADX中見到好似唔係好夠力咁。 望住個市又望下我家肥貓,佢開始 ...全文


On townhalls

... rnment to keep its own performance in check, to pledge and demonstrate its devotion to the public’s welfare and wellbeing. Town halls with constricted demographics, with hand-picked attendees, with ob ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-27

Are Hong Kong’s doctors emigrating?

... ce was to keep up with demand. Britain has 2.8 doctors per 1,000 people, below the European Union average of 3.4. Main areas of shortage are psychiatry, general practice and emergency medicine. Many H ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-26

Are Hong Kong's doctors emigrating?

... ce was to keep up with demand. Britain has 2.8 doctors ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年08月26日

Are Hong Kong IPOs lemons?

... e if they keep suffering from bad returns? Good luck to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, the cradle of the IPOs. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-25

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