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... 成為美國晶片商高通(Qualcomm)的第三代靈魂人物,其對科技發展的高瞻遠矚,將帶領公司早着先機,開創新領域 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2017年11月11日

Qualcomm inks US$12 bln China deals amid Trump visit

Qualcomm has signed US$12 billion worth of deals with three Chinese mobile handset makers on the sidelines of a state visit to Beijing by US President Donald Trump. The US chipmaker inked three non-bi ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-10

好睇未必好食 貿易再平衡欠良方

... 整體數字,今次高通(Qualcomm)與中國3間智能手機生產商小米、OPPO及vivo簽署合共120億美元備忘 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月10日

Why a Broadcom-Qualcomm marriage matters to phone users

Chip giant Broadcom has made an unsolicited US$103 billion bid for Qualcomm Inc. in what could become the largest tech deal ever. The deal, if successful, could reshape the chip industry, creating a d ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-09

博通好意 高通未必領情

博通(Broadcom)想拯救身陷困境的高通(Qualcomm)投資者,但他們看來不想被救。 高通的確面對一些 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年11月09日


... ,洽購行業二哥高通(Qualcomm)。這不但將成為科技業史上最巨額併購案,合併後的巨獸更會坐擁全球晶片市場接 ...全文


Broadcom launches US$103 bln bid for Qualcomm

Broadcom announced an unsolicited US$103 billion bid for Qualcomm on Monday, setting the stage for a takeover battle among the two US-based chipmakers, Reuters reports. Qualcomm said it would review t ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-07

博通併高通 前路仍未通

... 為博通收購對手高通(Qualcomm)這個肯定逃不過反壟斷監管機構法眼的交易鋪路。 今年美國科技公司併購活動少 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年11月07日


... 式提出收購對手高通(Qualcomm),連同債務作價1300億美元(約1.01萬億港元)。高通表示會研究收購方 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月07日

日央行放鴿 圓滙8個月低

... 億美元收購對手高通(Qualcomm),刺激科技股上揚,美股三大指數均創新高。 高通領漲 美股再破頂 納指表現 ...全文



... 有觸屏式屏幕,搭載了Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100、4GB容量,設有環境光、加速計 ...全文



... 港元)收購對手高通(Qualcomm),希望能夠借助這宗半導體業內最大的併購交易,成為無線晶片市場的龍頭。 半 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月06日

蘋果業績靚 市值衝破7萬億

... 過,美國晶片商高通(Qualcomm)再度「狙擊」蘋果,在智能手機晶片專利收費問題的爭拗升溫,周三再起訴蘋果違 ...全文


Robust chips demand helps Qualcomm top estimates

Qualcomm Inc.’s fourth-quarter profit and revenue beat market expectations as strength in its smartphone chips business was complemented by demand for chips used in automobiles and for the Internet of ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-02

Apple could drop Qualcomm in next year's iPhones, iPads

Apple Inc. has designed iPhones and iPads that would drop chips supplied by Qualcomm Inc., Reuters reports, citing two people familiar with the matter.  The change would affect iPhones released in the ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-01


蘋果和晶片商高通(Qualcomm)為智能手機晶片專利收費問題爭拗不斷,《華爾街日報》引述消息指出,為免日後有 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年11月01日


高通(Qualcomm)早前宣布,針對第五代流動通訊(5G)的驍龍X50數據機晶片組(Snapdragon X ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月25日

HK-based SenseTime to challenge US tech giants

Hong Kong-based technology firm SenseTime Group has announced a tie-up with Qualcomm Technologies Inc., a unit of Qualcomm Inc., to collaborate on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-24

團隊資歷深 120博士坐鎮 商湯AI誓挑戰美巨擘

本港首間AI獨角獸商湯科技(SenseTime)與全球最大手機晶片商高通(Qualcomm)旗下的Qualco ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月24日

LG明智 自駕車尋出路

... 將與美國晶片商高通(Qualcomm)合作,在首爾合資成立實驗室,研發車聯網(V2X)技術,兩家公司還會在年底 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年10月23日

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