
共 1907 個結果
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Police admit infiltrating protesters to catch 'violent rioters'

...  Causeway Bay on Sunday night, noticed that several men wearing black clothes and helmets like ordinary demonstrators had joined riot police officers in beating and arresting protesters. The "imperson ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

Dozens injured, two seriously, in Sunday's protests

...  Causeway Bay, Quarry Bay and Tai Koo. At an exit of Tai Koo MTR Station,riot police with truncheons chased protesters into the station. Video footage from media showed riot police storming into the s ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-12

Hong Kong unveils first data governance framework

... e Greater Bay Area. The principles and evaluation system have taken reference from the General Data Protection Regulation and China’s Cyber Security Law as well as other global standards. It would hel ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

Protesters fight off attackers in North Point, Tsuen Wan

...  a Quarry Bay-bound section of King's Road. The stick-wielding mob first gathered in the vicinity of Ming Yuen Western Street before they came at the protesters near a private residential estate at ar ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-06

Dozens more arrested after Monday's rallies turn violent

...  Causeway Bay later in the afternoon. Police, who had cleared most of the demonstrators from several districts in Kowloon by around 2 am Tuesday, condemned the violent acts by protesters, saying they ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-06

Forty-four held after Sunday's protests in multiple locations

... t Belcher Bay Park in Kennedy Town in Western District later that afternoon to voice the same demands, including the complete withdrawal of the extradition bill. After that event, several activists st ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05

杜拜商業灣 沙洲幻化曼哈頓
世博效應支持樓市 低稅吸引海外家庭

... (Business Bay),是杜拜於2003年拍板發展的綜合商住區,被視為杜拜市中心的延伸,面積46平方公里 ...全文


Economic growth and the US presidential election

... Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles, Boston, New York City, and the Washington DC area) are attracting a disproportionate share of the country’s tech talent and risk-taking capital, they are burdened by v ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-01

Protests bans could hurt HK credit ratings

... e Greater Bay Area initiative and the extradition bill saga. Fitch said it may need to review the city’s credit rating if that erosion continues. What would be the consequence if Hong Kong’s credit ra ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30

Dozens arrested after clashes with police in Western District

...  Causeway Bay respectively, causing traffic obstruction in a number of areas on Hong Kong Island.” According to the statement, some protesters later hurled objects such as eggs at the police and pushe ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-29

Why the China social credit system must be resisted

On July 5, Guangdong province released a three-year action plan (2018-2020) in relation to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area project, in which it said it will incorporate the Social Credi ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-26

Graves of lawmaker Junius Ho’s parents vandalized

... e Greater Bay Area!” During the confrontation, someone threw a shoe at him but missed. In a video posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday night, Ho accused Chu of asking supporters to desecrate his par ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

Mass rally ends in violence as protesters target Liaison Office

...  Causeway Bay and ended at Luard Road in Wan Chai as requested by the police. But rather than dispersing after the rally, some demonstrators opted to move into the Western district where Beijing's Lai ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-22

Hundreds of thousands march again over extradition bill

...  Causeway Bay at 3:30 p.m., marchers held placards and chanted slogans as they headed toward the destination near Southorn Playground in Wan Chai, which was sanctioned by police. Although police set u ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-22

CHRF plans fresh weekend protest march despite police plea

...  Causeway Bay to Admiralty or the area around Chater Road in Central, from the original plan of rally on Tim Mei Avenue in Admiralty. CHRF representatives met with the police on Wednesday to discuss t ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17

西澳瑪格麗特河區 世界邊端

... 灣(Hamelin Bay)清澈的藍海洋,和諧美極。這個觀景點也是附近叢林步道的起點,亦有小小的營地供露營車、 ...全文


慈心善行 Only Watch拍賣會

... r帶來的Black Bay Ceramic One,便彰顯出品牌悠久豐碩的潛水錶歷史,以酷勁十足的全黑形象演繹 ...全文



... dor Black Bay Ceramic One 41毫米黑色PVD陶瓷錶殼,搭配MT5602自動上鏈機芯, ...全文



... 海灣(Marina Bay)及濱海灣花園(Gardens by the Bay)。 此外,項目也連接多條主要高 ...全文


UK billionaire Dyson snaps up Singapore's priciest penthouse

... he Marina Bay Sands hotel, marketing documents show. Dyson, 72 and a Brexit supporter, announced plans in January to move his company’s head office from Britain to Singapore to be closer to its fastes ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-10

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