Hong Kong-based technology firm SenseTime Group has announced a tie-up with a Qualcomm subsidiary to drive the development and use of mobile phone chips with built-in artificial intelligence (AI) feat ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-20
Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) said it is "deeply concerned" about a move by the island's antitrust agency to impose a US$775 million fine on Qualcomm Inc. In a rare public display of di ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-19
美國晶片巨擘高通(Qualcomm)壟斷手機晶片專利,成為眾矢之的,台灣公平交易委員會上周三裁定高通需罰款23 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年10月16日
... 求亦相對提高。三星在Qualcomm(高通)推出了一項快充標準,該公司亦是首間支援快速充電的手機商。有小道消息 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月13日
Qualcomm Inc. faces an antitrust fine in Taiwan, the latest in a years-long streak of regulatory setbacks to its business model that comes as it also fights US regulators and iPhone maker Apple Inc. i ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-12
US smartphone chipmaker Qualcomm has offered concessions in an attempt to allay EU antitrust concerns over its US$38 billion bid for NXP Semiconductors, the largest ever in the semiconductor industry, ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-10
... 併;晶片生產商高通(Qualcomm)早於克林頓年代已經打入中國,更說服中國使用他們的手機制式,可是到2015 ...全文
... 後來出現不同陣營。以Qualcomm(高通)為例,該廠更把技術內置於晶片中,再自行研發新標準,但後來又回到無線 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年09月29日
... 及正面臨調查的高通(Qualcomm)或會受惠。 裁決提高證明違法門檻 歐盟最高級法院歐洲法院質疑,普通法院並 ...全文
A South Korean court on Monday rejected Qualcomm's request to suspend an order by the country’s antitrust agency to take corrective action on the way it licenses patents, Reuters reports. In December, ...More
EJ Insight2017-09-05
... 片股Avago、正被Qualcomm收購的NXP,以及Nvidia和Western Digital(WD)等。 ...全文
... 營收來自中國的高通(Qualcomm)則在上月表示,中國仍是業績增長的主要題材。其他外資企業也有很多表現良好, ...全文
A group representing major technology companies has aligned itself against Qualcomm Inc. in its legal dispute with Apple Inc. by calling on regulators to reject Qualcomm's bid to ban the import of iPh ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-21
... 21611點。高通(Qualcomm)、家得寶(Home Depot)等公司業績遜於預期,影響大市氣氛。 短期 ...全文
... a、eBay、高通(Qualcomm)、微軟、IBM、通用電氣(General Electric)及強生公司( ...全文
封鎖邊境!收掉那些違禁品!美國晶片生產商高通(Qualcomm)上周四要求美國國際交易委員會(ITC)禁止進口 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月10日