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What to expect from Apple's 2019 iPhones

...  in a big square at the top left hand corner on the back of the phone, unlike the existing dual camera system arranged vertically. While the triple-lens camera system will enhance the picture taking c ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-23

Why even a Miss Hong Kong had to settle for mini flats

... ea of 128 square feet. The project was not popular at all when it was first launched last year, but now it’s selling like hot cakes. Interestingly, Louisa Mak Ming-sze, Miss Hong Kong pageant winner i ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17

Miss Hong Kong buys three of the smallest flats in the city

... about 125 square feet or roughly that of a car parking space. That notwithstanding, T Plus, jointly developed by Jiayuan International and Stan Group, managed to sell out almost all of its 344 units i ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-15

紐約黑夜添人情味 街頭即興歌舞劇

... 園(Madison Square Garden)舉行演唱會期間遇上停電,場館一片漆黑,演唱會亦因安全考慮而需要 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年07月15日

倉庫碼頭大改造 樓價追貼傳統豪宅區

... 新加坡房地產研究機構Square Foot Research數據了解,今年6月第3郵區私人分層住宅(Apart ...全文


Xiaomi acts to overcome supply chain woes

... f 340,000 square meters, cost the company 5.2 billion yuan (US$757.73 million). The new headquarters will house engineers focusing on the development of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, bi ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11

【環宇搜股】現代牧業翻身可期 百事醖釀爆邊

... 昨日支付類股份跑出,Square(SQ)飆6.2%;巴西支付寶StoneCo(STNE)揚5.6%;PayPa ...全文


A property deal evokes memories of HK’s golden era nightclubs

... he 30,000-square-foot site in Jaffe Road is Arch Capital, a real estate investment firm that was founded in 2006 as a joint venture with Philippine conglomerate Ayala Group. The deal for the property ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-09

Protesters reach out to mainland visitors

... Tiananmen Square in 1989. The bill, which would allow people to be sent to the mainland for trial in courts controlled by the Communist Party, has triggered outrage across broad sections of society am ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08

Why vacant school premises must be put for reuse

...  to 3,700 square meters, remaining unused for long. Actually, the total number of vacant school premises should be a lot higher. In April 2017, the Education Bureau handed over 183 vacant school premi ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

Evergrande boss snaps up Tin Hau penthouse

... 5,000 per square foot, 3 percent higher than the price of the last unsold unit at the New World Development (00017.HK) project, for which the original buyer gave up the down payment two months ago.  T ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-04

More companies turning to co-working space

... rom 3,000 square feet to about 1,000. The tenant ended up paying a higher per-square-foot rent but reducing the overall bill. If sustained, this trend can increase the total number of firms supported ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-03

Magic Might(下)

前陣子稍住於Leicester Square中的小旅館,趁倫敦6月,最風物怡人,晨昏路過廣場邊的賭坊,賭與賭坊 ...全文


Carrie Lam vows more open, accommodating governance style

...  Bauhinia Square at 8 a.m. to celebrate the handover anniversary as it had done so in the past. However, guests were not present at the site and watched the ceremony through a live broadcast on a larg ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

Why luxury goods shops have reason to worry

Although I visit Causeway Bay at least three times a week, it's been a pretty long time since I went to the Times Square mall, not counting the occasional dining trip. But on Monday I had some free ti ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

Students, uniformed groups told not to attend flag-raising rite

...  Bauhinia Square on Monday to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. There have been online calls from netizens for people to show up at th ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-28

Elderly woman suffers shoulder injury from falling window frame

A 69-year-old woman was injured after being hit by a falling window frame from a residential building at Hau Tei Square in Tsuen Wan. The incident happened at about 10 a.m. on Thursday, when a glass w ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-28

Boris Johnson’s big lie

...  does not square with Johnson’s ensorceling combination of false promises, pseudo-patriotism, and foreigner bashing. He and his fellow Brexiteers speak of a “Global Britain” that will trade freely wit ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27

China's BYD opens Canada electric bus facility

... he 45,000-square-foot facility, based in Ontario, will for now cater to the Toronto Transit Commission, the company was quoted as saying. The public transport agency will receive 10 electric buses wit ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-26


... (準確度由Mean Square Error代表),樹形由最簡單的一層開始,一直到8層,最後是一棵沒限制的完全 ...全文


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