... 低,收報5.06元;玖龍紙業(02689)跌2.6%,收報6.72元。國際油價跌穿50美元,3隻油服股瀉6%至 ...全文
兩大主要紙業股,理文造紙(02314)及玖龍紙業(02689)已先後公布業績;其中,理文造紙上半年盈利增長27 ...全文
... 利率;其估值亦較同業玖龍紙業(02689)為低,故此建議吸納理文造紙。 生活用紙產銷兩旺 玖紙近日公布截至今年 ...全文
... 紙的重要出口區,單是玖龍紙業(02689),在2015年就購入了1263萬噸,理文造紙(02314)和晨鳴紙業 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年06月22日
... 前景可以看好。 雖然玖龍紙業(02689)與理文造紙(02314)財政年度並不一致,前者年結日為6月30日,後 ...全文
復活節長假期間,天朗氣清,希望大家都有好好休息,再戰江湖。這幾天假期,內地及外圍金融市場表現平穩,沒有多大變化 ...全文
翻查近期點評過的股票,大部分工業股都表現出色,理文造紙(02314)與玖龍紙業(02689)受惠人民幣貶值與原 ...全文
Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd. (02689.HK) is ramping up exports to offset the impact of a weak Chinese currency. Also, the company is trying to cushion the blow from an impending increase in US inte ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-25
Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers have been slowing their investments in Vietnam, and some have even begun moving out of the country, since the anti-Chinese riots in May this year, the Hong Kong Eco ...More
EJ Insight2014-12-15
Yang Huiyan, vice chairperson of Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd. (02007.HK), is still China's richest woman despite losing a chunk of her fortune in the property downturn, the Hong Kong Economic Jour ...More
EJ Insight2014-10-21
Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Ltd. (02689.HK) plans to start production in Vietnam by June 2015, one year ahead of the original schedule, chairwoman Cheung Yan said on Tuesday. Vietnam has a favorable ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-25