加拿大手機生產商Research In Motion在艱難時刻改名為黑莓(BlackBerry);蘋果倒不如照 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年06月13日
蘋果公司周三公布一系列優化App Store的措施,例如降低與程式開發商(app developer)的分賬比 ...全文
Apple Inc. and SAP said they will cooperate to help developers create iPad and iPhone apps tapping the German software firm’s database services and analytics, the Wall Street Journal reported. Under t ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-06
蘋果App Store軟件下載商店昨天接近傍晚大故障,深夜時才開始恢復正常。故障期間,用戶搜尋軟件時會得出不相 ...全文
《明報》以節約資源為由「炒姜」,引發員工連日抗爭,更自發cut budget(削減每月飯票),力勸管理層收回成 ...全文
蘋果公司據報正着手改革App Store下載平台,日後應用程式開發商(app)可能只要付錢,其app就會展示在 ...全文
香港會計師公會出版了一系列美滿財智故事書,與年輕讀者分享理財知識及正確的金錢價值觀。美滿財智書冊包括《美滿的C ...全文
港股昨天收市後,國際金融市場不論油市、股市或滙市,均只窄幅上落,大家都在等美國聯儲局「倫姨」發落。今天美國議息 ...全文
Innovation is a common goal among startups, corporates and non-profit organizations. But our education system and work environments have trained us to pass tests, follow orders and respond to requests ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-21
由喬布斯(Steve Jobs)一手打造的蘋果帝國終在教主逝世4年後迎來第一場雪。市傳受中國與歐洲等市場銷情一 ...全文
Millions of children have had their personal data stolen after hackers attacked VTech Holdings Ltd. (0303.HK). The Hong Kong-based toymaker described the hacking as the largest known theft of children ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-02
About 1.1 million tourists from Hong Kong visited Japan in the first three quarters of this year, a 70 percent increase from the same period last year, the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) s ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-13
Apple Inc.'s loyal army of software developers is joining the tech giant in its attempt to conquer the living room. A new version of Apple TV will feature apps on television screens that they hope wil ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-30
The social networking app “17” has become so popular in Hong Kong. Soon after it was introduced from Taiwan, 17 became the most downloaded free mobile application in the App Store. The name 17 should ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-10