
共 1207 個結果
頁數:1...36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ...61

Symantec上季收入遜預期 CEO離職

... 董事Richard Hill已成為署理行政總裁,而集團將物色正式行政總裁人選。 該公司披露,第四季收入跌1.7 ...全文


US lawmakers slam FTC reported plan to settle with Facebook

... n Capitol Hill agreed with Blumenthal and Hawley. David Cicilline tweeted last month that even a multibillion-dollar fine was a “slap on the wrist”. “Facebook is a repeat offender, and it is critical ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-07

寶威控股(00024) 其他-業務發展最新情況

寶威控股(00024) 巴爾德山(Bald Hill)鋰輝石精礦付運訊息 (2163KB, PDF) ...全文


女教授被性騷擾受質疑 拜登致歉

... 授希爾(Anita Hill),表示對於她在1991年最高法院大法官候選人托馬斯(Clarence Thoma ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年04月27日

Former VP Biden's 2020 bid reshapes White House race

... sor Anita Hill during the justice’s 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearings. The New York Times reported on Thursday that Biden phoned Hill earlier this month to express regret about what she “endure ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-26


... 公司William Hill受注,大揦揦港紙六十幾萬瞓身活士Masters奪冠,結果1賠14得米,為他贏得約1 ...全文


Dalai Lama hospitalized with chest infection

... rn Indian hill town of Dharamshala. “Today morning his holiness felt some discomfort and he was flown to Delhi for check-up,” Tenzin Taklha, his personal secretary, told Reuters. “Doctors have diagnos ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-10

Coroner rules fireman's death in 2017 rescue an accident

... o climb a hill in Tiu Shau Ngam in a bid to reach the two hikers, an off-duty police officer surnamed Wan and his girlfriend, in the early hours of March 22, 2017, hk01.com reports. As Yau was climbin ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-04

寶威控股(00024) 其他-業務發展最新情況

寶威控股(00024) 巴爾德山(Bald Hill)鋰輝石精礦付運訊息 (2095KB, PDF) ...全文



... 得州中部的丘陵地帶(Hill Country),與得州豪邁粗獷氣息不同的是,這座城市總讓人感覺到依山傍水的迷人 ...全文


Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela

... n Capitol Hill and members of the Venezuelan diaspora at a prominent Washington think tank. Pence praised Rosales for being “courageous”. “Our message very simply is: We’re with you,” Pence said. – Co ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28

【異動股】AH供股籌55億 金風曾瀉逾6%

... Stockyard Hill風電場527.5MW項目、澳洲Moorabool North風電場150MW項目、 ...全文



... Stockyard Hill風電場527.5MW項目、澳洲Moorabool North風電場150MW項目、 ...全文


A wedding scene straight out of Crazy Rich Asians

... ng’s Park Hill in Ho Man Tin for HK$45 million, or about HK$13,583 per square foot. It proved to be a shrewd investment as the market price tripled in 10 years. So it doesn't come as a surprise that t ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-14

寶威控股(00024) 其他-業務發展最新情況

寶威控股(00024) 巴爾德山(Bald Hill)鋰輝石精礦付運訊息 (1422KB, PDF) ...全文



... ,在Notting Hill開The Ledbury,幾年後陸續得獎無數,包括去年餐廳獲得米芝蓮兩顆星。 充滿 ...全文


Gap分拆Old Navy 股價飆20%
230專賣店兩年內結業 增開支拓新產品

... 、Intermix和Hill City將組成一家名字待定的新公司,一年收入估計約為90億美元,Old Navy ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月02日

The future of music is solar-powered

...  or just chilling out on the grass. And we have been happily surprised to see older people loving it too! We even had an 85-year-old grandfather riding our bike together with his granddaughter when we ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-26

寶威控股(00024) 其他-業務發展最新情況

寶威控股(00024) 澄清公告 - 巴爾德山(Bald Hill)鋰輝石精礦付運訊息 (69KB, PDF) ...全文


寶威控股(00024) 其他-業務發展最新情況

寶威控股(00024) 巴爾德山(Bald Hill)鋰輝石精礦付運訊息 (1012KB, PDF) ...全文


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