
共 2724 個結果
頁數:1...36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ...137

Lyft forecasts slower growth, keeps end-2021 profit target

... ger rival Uber, which recently moved up a key profit target by a year, Reuters reports. During an investor call analysts repeatedly pressed Lyft on prospects for profitability, prompting top executive ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12

Lyft上季收入首破78億 股價市後下滑

... 變。Lyft主要對手Uber,上周宣告提前一年,於2020年轉虧為盈。 消息公布後,Lyft股價在市後交易時段 ...全文


Judge rejects Uber request to halt California gig worker law

A US judge on Monday rejected a request by ride-hailing services firm Uber Technologies and courier services provider Postmates to block a California labor law from taking effect, saying the bill’s pu ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-11


... 元,加上擁外賣業務的UBER,上周公布業績後突稱年底前實現EBITDA虧轉盈,或觸發基金沽美團買UBER。美團 ...全文


Uber, Lyft take different roads in search of profit

Uber Technologies and Lyft, the two leading US ride-hailing companies, are on divergent paths as Uber pours money into money-losing side businesses while smaller rival Lyft focuses on moving people ar ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

開市焦點:疫情未降溫 港股或低開逾兩百點

...  個股方面,叫車平台Uber制定今年底實現盈利的目標,刺激股價急升9.5%。美國主要遊戲開發及發行商Take- ...全文


Uber賺錢目標 料年底前實現

網上叫車程式公司Uber預測今年底前會錄得歷來首個季度盈利,暗示削減成本措施已經超預期。Uber股價周五在美市 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年02月08日


... 對其股價極度不利。 Uber料第四季EBITDA轉賺 去年9月18日本欄建議冷敲Uber,原因是美團證明外賣仔 ...全文


Uber aims for profit by fourth quarter of 2020

Uber Technologies moved forward by a year its target to achieve a measure of profitability to the fourth quarter of 2020, but the ride-hailing company still expects to lose a total of more than US$1 b ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-07


... 報燈仍未正確運作。 Uber上季收入勝預期 送餐開支蠶食利潤Uber第四季收入升37%,至40.7億美元,略多 ...全文


Uber上季收入勝預期 送餐開支蠶食利潤

召車軟件商Uber公布,第四季收入升37%,至40.7億美元,略優於預期的40.6億美元;淨虧損擴大至11億美 ...全文



...  疫情帶挈網購業務 Uber於2009年創立,儘管很快業務便遍布全球,但論在單一市場的滲透率,卻比不上在內地2 ...全文


The key to startup success

... s such as Uber and Airbnb. Most technology startups failed and left the market; generally they raised US$1.3 million and were not able sustain after 20 months. The research company then interviewed hu ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-04

Uber被裁違競爭法 退出哥倫比亞

召車程式公司Uber去年12月被哥倫比亞監管機構裁定違反競爭條例,當地業務上周六正式停止運作,該公司向當地用戶 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年02月03日


... 的銷情可能會延遲。 Uber停用墨國240賬戶 另外,暫時未有確診個案的墨西哥,當地的Uber發表聲明,指至少 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年02月03日

Uber Eats撤出印度 業務售予Zomato

Uber同意將Uber Eats的印度事業出售予當地同業Zomato。 Uber和Zomato發表聲明指出,U ...全文


Uber sells Indian food delivery arm to local rival Zomato

Uber has sold its online food-ordering business in India to local rival Zomato in exchange for a 9.99 percent stake in the latter, which is backed by China's Ant Financial, Reuters reports. The all-st ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

Airbnb takes in some lessons from WeWork debacle

... imilar to Uber and Airbnb. In a listing document, the company used the word "tech" 123 times, research firm CB Insights noted. What about Airbnb? Media outlet Fast Company has referred to Airbnb as on ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-20


... 不斷遭滋擾,現時駕駛Uber電召車及網上賣書謀生。傳奇這稱號不一定指有和豐功偉績,反而應定義於做過什麼精采及有 ...全文



... 月與美國召車平台龍頭Uber合作,開發空中的士。高檔跑車廠商保時捷也與美國波音公司合作,計劃共同開發空中的士。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年01月17日

頁數:1...36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ...137

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