本港著名傳奇樂隊Beyond已故主音黃家駒位於將軍澳華人永遠墳場的墓地,昨遭一名15歲少年惡意破壞,除用箱頭筆 ...全文
樂隊Beyond已故主音歌手黃家駒位於將軍澳華人永遠墳場的墓碑,遭刑事毀壞。警方拘捕兩名分別15歲及23歲男子 ...全文
... y venture beyond the Solar System, there will come a point in time when the future astronaut looks back at us, and realise how small, how insignificant, and how trivial humanity looks, “just like rats ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-09
... rope, and beyond exacerbate agricultural productivity loss, water scarcity for drinking and agriculture, immense property damage, and loss of life. So, what can be done? We must swiftly transition to ...More
EJ Insight2024-04-22
... ured, but beyond setting guardrails and issuing general instructions that are easy to follow, educators need not – and should not – take on the added role of steering and molding the minds of their st ...More
EJ Insight2024-04-12
... 七十後男性離不開樂隊Beyond的搖滾音樂,黃家駒,我真的喜歡,一直在聽他的歌,感覺很舒服,是一種鼓勵。例如《 ...全文
... 越石油和天然氣聯盟(Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance)——一個由各國政府和合作夥伴組 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2024年03月22日
... nate! Run Beyond 光影遊樂園」,亦將於3月29日至4月28日舉行,橫跨復活節長假期。此項同樣免 ...全文
... 次「超越增長會議」(Beyond Growth Conference)。從那時起大量文章(其中一些在主要科學雜 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2024年03月15日
... 頗激烈的討論,其題為Beyond the Status Quo: A Critical Assessment ...全文
美國人造肉生產商Beyond Meat公布,截至去年12月底止第四季,錄得淨虧損1.55億元(美元.下同)。每 ...全文
... ventured beyond the ordinary and comfort zone for us. Building hardware with a higher ceiling capacity would of course be useful, but is by no means sufficient. What is needed here is a radical revam ...More
EJ Insight2024-02-23
... fter, and beyond the narrow confines of the classroom. The off-syllabus conversations, the in-depth probes that take discussions beyond the delineated boundaries of imagination – these are the pathway ...More
EJ Insight2024-02-23
... 至打band讓你想起Beyond,場場奪目。十二子自信滿滿,白馬王子還是牛仔裝各有特色,幾十位dancers令 ...全文