北韓官方報章《勞動新聞》昨日在社論中,嘲弄美國總統特朗普早前取消到訪兩韓邊境非軍事區(DMZ)屬懦夫所為,又指 ...全文
一名北韓士兵昨天穿越兩韓邊境非軍事區(DMZ)向南韓投誠,而且罕見地通過板門店共同警備區(JSA)逃走,他期間 ...全文
... 察兩韓邊境非軍事區(DMZ)。 行程近兩周 國內盟友不滿 主張「美國優先」的特朗普,也將會見柬埔寨等人權紀錄不 ...全文
... 兩韓邊境的非軍事區(DMZ),只會往平澤的美軍基地參觀。 北韓官媒朝中社昨日嘲諷特朗普為無藥可救的精神病人,批 ...全文
... 兩韓邊境的非軍事區(DMZ)。 華府肯定北京合作遏朝 要求加強施壓北韓,將是特朗普訪問中日韓3國時的主要議題。 ...全文
美國總統特朗普下月展開亞洲5國之旅,南韓國防部消息昨天稱,特朗普訪問南韓期間,或前往兩韓邊境非軍事區(DMZ) ...全文
... 至距離兩韓非軍事區(DMZ)有多近。 南韓承認,軍演目的是震懾北韓,並測試應對北韓核試的準備工作。北韓外務省指 ...全文
... zed zone (DMZ). The Trump administration has said that military action remains an option for dealing with North Korea. But mindful that this would likely trigger massive retaliation and casualties in ...More
EJ Insight2017-04-18
... 天早上前往非軍事區(DMZ),視察板門店共同警備區(JSA)駐韓美軍的軍營,並在南韓轄區「自由之家」勉勵官兵, ...全文
A North Korean soldier defected to South Korea on Thursday by making a rare crossing of the heavily guarded demilitarized zone (DMZ) at the border. The soldier walked across at an eastern part of the ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-30
... 0個全馬,那是在南韓DMZ(Demilitarized Zone,非軍事區)舉行的國際和平馬拉松,名副其實化身 ...全文
... zed Zone (DMZ) began on Saturday evening, shortly after North Korea's deadline for Seoul to stop anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts or face military action. The talks are continuing, an official at ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-24
South Korea will allow an international women's group to enter the country on a planned march from North Korea through the heavily fortified demilitarized zone (DMZ). The WomenCrossDMZ group, headed b ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-15