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... re of non-dominion)的保障。 你情我願 與你何干 在國內政治糾紛下,少數人往往為大多數人所忽 ...全文


鑽石供應緩 今年料穩步漲價

... up)、多米寧鑽石(Dominion Diamond)、盧卡拉鑽石(Lucara Diamond Corp.) ...全文



... 行(Toronto-Dominion Bank)等,將要再通過四次壓測,才能豁免。 所謂的質量部分,主要是用來 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月08日

Artist Masaki Fujihata uses AR to bring Wanchai's past to life

... fice, and Dominion Garden, presenting audience with the ordinary life of yesterday. In an interview with the Hong Kong Economic Journal, Fujihata said his team looked into extensive amount of old Hong ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-29


... 然而,雖曾在城西慣見Dominion Theatre祭出We Will Rock You的大纛,隱隱知道此Qu ...全文



... 英帝國的「自治領」(Dominion),更於1916年派兵參與第一次世界大戰。那時,大英帝國「自治領」身份被國 ...全文



... 有光的系列(The Dominion of Light),始於1946年。馬格利特的雲彩總是光明的,縱使大鳥在 ...全文


邵雍旅行今人難學 影響力小冊勝厚書

...  Tools of Dominion: The case of laws and Exodus)一書,提出當年 ...全文



加拿大多倫多道明銀行(Toronto-Dominion)發表聲明,禁止客戶通過信用卡購買加密貨幣。 聲明稱,該 ...全文


紐西蘭換旗 政客熱民間冷

... 年升格為英國自治領(Dominion)。二戰後解殖及民族自決浪潮席捲全球,紐西蘭也受其影響開始「去殖化」,19 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 寰球信識曾維駿2018年02月03日

Nine banks accused of rigging Canadian rate benchmark

... , Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank and HSBC. CDOR is a rate at which banks will ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-16

英國畢非德 逆向防守形 科網未歷劫

... 的打工生涯在保險公司Dominion開始,1987年轉投鷹星保險(Eagle Star)擔任基金經理,翌年跳槽 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2018年01月06日

Why Spain is holding on to Canary Islands at all costs

Earlier on, I discussed the interesting history of both the former British colony of Mauritius and the French overseas dominion of Reunion in the Indian Ocean and shed light on the cases of “high degr ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-04

美股三大指數創新高 標普首破二千七

... ,股價下滑3.4%。Dominion能源收購同業Scana,前者跌3.9%,後者升23%。公布終止中資收購協議 ...全文


Dominion Energy購Scana 涉資616億

美國兩間大型公共服務企業Dominion Energy與Scana宣布全股份合併建議,交易涉及金額為79億美元 ...全文


How Réunion became 'Africa’s Hong Kong'

...  overseas dominion today. Given that, Réunioneses are all French citizens as well as French passport holders by birth, and can therefore enjoy visa-free treatment whenever they travel to any European ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-27

The forgotten separatist movement in Sardinia

... d to be a dominion of the Kingdom of Aragon in Spain. However, the island was ceded to the Duke of Savoy in 1720 in the wake of the Spanish War of Succession, who then went on to unify the entire Ital ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-20

六大行遭降級 加滙受壓

... 行(Toronto-Dominion Bank)、加拿大豐業銀行(Bank of Nova Scotia)、加 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月12日

The great survival story of the Channel Islands

... he “royal dominion”. In other words, its sovereignty belongs to the British royal familiy rather than the British government, and its history dates back to as early as the 10th century, when the Briti ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-08

A Canadian history lesson for HK, Taiwan and Beijing

... as made a dominion with a Westminster-style governance structure. Through its governor-general, London reserved some constitutional rights including introducing legislation. Australia, New Zealand and ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-04

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