... The only gap is the United States, thanks to tariffs imposed during the era of President Donald Trump. But the news is not all good. China has the largest over-capacity of auto production in the worl ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-25
... he growth gap between developing Asian countries– led by India and ASEAN countries– and China will moderate in 2023 but will remain open. This is good news for the rest of the world because it means t ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-15
In the debate about how to curb global warming, climate action is often confused for climate justice. Many European countries (including the United Kingdom) have taken to self-flagellation, atoning fo ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-01
... valuation gap has widened significantly in recent months, while EUR-CHF is more in line with what our near-term model suggests given current yield and volatility levels. Moreover, continued uncertaint ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-31
美國便服零售商Gap第二季扭虧為盈,賺1.17億美元(約9.126億港元),扣除部分項目後每股純利34美仙,勝 ...全文
... 質素不穩定影響。■ Gap第二財季按年轉賺1.17億美元,勝預期,收入跌8%,遜預期。集團料第三財季收入錄低雙 ...全文
美國服裝零售集團Gap公布,截至7月29日止第二財季,利潤報1.17億元(美元‧下同),去年同期虧損4900萬 ...全文
... apability gap with DMs. Countries such as Nigeria or Egypt see it as an issue of national security. This will increase the funding for education in EMs. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-10
... 」(Suwalki Gap),因而觸動兩國神經。「蘇瓦烏基走廊」為波蘭及立陶宛之間長約96公里地帶,人跡罕至, ...全文
... tock-bond gap has been persistent across the generations. A stock investor ending their 40-year career in 1910 would have accumulated three times more wealth (excluding taxes and transaction costs) th ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-03
... arrow the gap in cultivating locally-trained talents with other competitive economies. Per IMD World Talent Ranking 2022, Hong Kong recorded 14th in the global market competitiveness for talent, slidi ...More
EJ Insight2023-07-31
... 一去立法會講政策,個gap(差距)太大;而家講緊十萬,當你睇十幾萬人嘅時候,你睇嘅層次唔同㗎啦喎。我遲早都要退 ...全文
... rest-rate gap between the US and Japan has caused the yen’s exchange rate against the US dollar to depreciate sharply, from ¥115 in January 2022 to ¥150 in October 2022. The dollar exchange rate has r ...More
EJ Insight2023-07-28
... the yield gap between Africa and Asia has widened over the last 20 years. Climate change is compounding the problem. We are already witnessing more protracted and intense droughts, less predictable ra ...More
EJ Insight2023-07-25
... 美國大型零售服飾品牌Gap Inc.的亞太區副主席兼全球採購及生產執行副總裁。憑藉上述亮眼的個人履歷,其豐富的 ...全文
... Mind The Gap比賽;增設水上煙火特效的「幻彩詠香江」;以及名為「音樂新世代」的維港水上音樂會等。 ...全文