國泰航空(00293)上周五公布完成收購廉航香港快運(HK Express)後,香港快運昨日宣布加入國泰旗下飛 ...全文
國泰(00293)作為香港的龍頭航空公司,近年在燃油對沖的衝擊下,導致錄得龐大虧損,繼而需要推出一系列措施整頓 ...全文
Some might have noticed a shop under renovation with the Four Seasons logo in downtown Central. The bakery occupies a street-level storefront at Pacific House in the heart of the business district. It ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-02
國泰航空(00293)終於落實,計劃以49.3億元全面收購香港快運(HK Express)全部股權,預計交易於 ...全文
市場對債息倒掛憂慮暫時消退,美股道指連彈兩日,加上內地A股回勇,上證指數重上三千點大關,港股季結及期指結算前夕 ...全文
Cathay Pacific Airways (00293.HK) said on Wednesday it has agreed to buy Hong Kong Express Airways Ltd from cash-strapped Chinese conglomerate HNA Group for HK$4.93 billion (US$628 million), giving it ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-27
連續兩年蝕錢的國泰航空(00293)去年終虧轉盈,賺23.45億元,主要受惠客運收益率復甦、貨運表現持續強勁, ...全文
One of the great certainties in Hong Kong is that whatever happens, the cartels always end up winning. By strange coincidence, this truism was underlined this week by two entirely unrelated developmen ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-08