
共 110 個結果
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高通脹惹憂慮 觀望鮑公演說

... 國投資策略師馬哈詹(Mona Mahajan)表示,通脹高於預期的情況可能維持一段更長的時間,如果聯儲局因此提 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2021年05月31日

疫情受控及經濟重啟 專家看好歐洲股市前景

... ors高級美股策略師Mona Mahajan認為,如果以未來三至六個月前景作評估,歐洲股市回報有望與美股相若。 ...全文



... 起McKinsey的Mona Mourshed博士在美國分析了教育與就業脫鈎的問題,希望為此出一分力。到了20 ...全文



... 的何以不是港人熟悉的Mona Lisa?實在五個世紀前,達文西畫肖像時。畫名Monna Lisa——Madon ...全文


律師稱加國官員盤問孟晚舟 替FBI蒐證

... 國受審。她的代表律師Mona Duckett周五就加國憲法賦與孟晚舟的權利受到損害、要求結束引渡聆訊的論點作最 ...全文



... 一名代表律師達克特(Mona Duckett)指出,會與孟晚舟「宵禁時間以外的日間監視」有關。 下月第二周聆訊 ...全文



... 另一名孟晚舟代表律師Mona Duckett將於稍後時間,盤問邊境服務處官員Bryce McRae。 孟晚舟代 ...全文


Market implications of a Biden victory and split Congress

Joe Biden’s apparent victory in the US presidential election marks an end to months of political uncertainty and turmoil. While both Mr Biden’s victory and the outcome of the Senate races have yet to ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-17


... 另一名孟晚舟代表律師Mona Duckett將於較後時間,盤問邊境服務處官員Bryce McRae。 孟晚舟代 ...全文



雖然美國總統大選結果尚未最終確定,但今年選情比民調和市場預期更叮噹馬頭。投資者短期或會避險至美國國債和美元等。 ...全文


US elections: Investors can find an advantage in volatility

Financial markets could remain volatile as we head towards US elections in November – particularly with the prospect of a contested result. The build-up to a US election is typically characterised by ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-26

Three policy differences to watch in the US presidential race

As the 3 November US presidential election draws closer, the race is tightening between President Trump and former Vice President Biden. Mr Trump and Mr Biden have notably different views about corpor ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-22

Three ideas for investors seeking diversification and growth

The coronavirus pandemic has taken equity and fixed-income investors on a roller-coaster ride this year – first with a remarkably rapid downturn, and then with a pronounced rebound. But the US stock m ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-25

Will the US risk rally endure?

With equities rallying more than 30% since late March, driven most recently by cyclicals, financial markets were perhaps due for a period of consolidation. New risks could emerge, but we continue to b ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-29


... WING SUEN MONA。 據悉,原業主於1996年7月以2670萬元購入上址,持貨24年,轉手賬面獲利4 ...全文


Investment ideas for re-opening phase of the coronavirus crisis

Around the world, lockdowns and quarantines are slowly lifting, but consumers and business activity remain fragile. We believe investors should play both offence and defence during this new “re-openin ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-01

疫市反彈臨考驗 專家料重啟經濟成敗主導後市

... ors美國市場策略師Mona Mahajan認為,除了整體數據外,投資者也看重個別州份的首次申領失業救濟人數。 ...全文


'Rubik Mona Lisa' beats estimate at Paris auction

A French street artist’s interpretation of the Mona Lisa made of 330 Rubik’s Cubes sold for 480,200 euros (US$520,680) on Sunday at a modern art auction in Paris, well above presale estimates of up to ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-24

羅浮宮達文西回顧展 11張真跡畫作難得同場

... 是一幅《蒙娜麗莎》(Mona Lisa),就吸引全世界的人到法國羅浮宮,一睹其真跡。 達文西的作品珍貴,不易外 ...全文


Investment themes for 2020

As we enter 2020, markets have priced in a substantial amount of favorable news, including global central bank easing and quantitative easing, a potential bottoming in economic data and some thawing o ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-10

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