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天璽.海明開示位 帶100萬本票睇樓

... 8號Central Peak,也要預備200萬元本票才獲准參觀示範單位。 天瀧料第四季交樓 新地代理總經理陳漢 ...全文


How to encourage highly educated seniors return to workforce

... counter a peak of teacher retirement, and the authorities are thinking about how to make good use of these retired teacher resources. Under the Programme, more than 20,000 retired teachers were hired ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05


... yx、Atomic和Peak Performance等運動和戶外用品品牌,由安踏主導的財團在2019年提出收購 ...全文


Travel deficit during Christmas and possibly more

... aditional peak season. Christmas buffet is now much easier to book, and the only crowded district is Tsim Sha Tsui for Christmas countdown. Walking in Wanchai on Christmas night reminded me of the pai ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-27


購物旺點大阪心齋橋一帶發展成熟,由於地皮供應短缺,因此近年發展擴至鄰近的島之內,新盤The Peak Shin ...全文


What will it take to phase out fossil fuels?

... jected to peak globally by 2030, oil and gas remain a bad bet. Part of the problem is that governments have responded to price volatility by increasing fossil-fuel subsidies, rather than imposing wind ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-12

Hang Seng Index back to where it was in 1997

The hits just keep on coming for the Hong Kong stock market. At yesterday's closing, Hang Seng Index fell close to two per cent to the year-low of 16,327, below the peak in 1997. Not only Hong Kong is ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

How bad is the Hong Kong stock market? Take a look at Taiwan

...  from its peak in the last six years. Bad news for Mandatory Provident Fund holders with exposure to Hong Kong stocks as they have seen their account balance keep shrinking. Some may even see negative ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-29

Bonds are back

... rs cite a peak in the rate hiking cycle as the reason for increased allocations to fixed income. We believed that bonds are back in the eyes of Asian investors. Following over a decade of ultra-low in ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-14

How China can save the world-and itself

... mand will peak this year, largely because of EVs. Globally, the International Energy Agency expects oil demand to peak by 2028. True, the push toward EVs comes with tradeoffs, putting further upward p ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-03

Stay in the game: Investing in a late-cycle world

... ear their peaks— and in doing so have often missed out on opportunities to generate portfolio returns above the risk-free rate. Relatively high cash yields are tempting some investors to maintain elev ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-31

China’s great leap backward

... jected to peak around mid-century, after which its shrinking labor force will offset any productivity gains. To be sure, in purchasing-power-parity terms, China already overtook the US in 2017. But fo ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

More residents crossing the border on Chung Yeung

... assed the peak of the national holiday in October when Hong Kong also enjoyed a long weekend. (Noted the “One country, two systems” prevailed during Chung Yeung Festival because it is not a holiday on ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

佳兆業提債主 清盤回收不足5%

佳兆業(01638)今年7月6日遭入稟申請清盤,呈請方為新加坡一間投資管理公司Broad Peak Inves ...全文



... 資金。 Broad Peak Investment今年7月向香港高等法院提交針對佳兆業的清盤申請,原因是該公司 ...全文


Fed to keep rates elevated for longer

... pected to peak next year at 4.1% instead of 4.5%, also slightly above the longer-term projection of 4%. Inflation is still expected to gradually decline to 2% in 2026. At first glance, it appears that ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

As China’s economy drags, the rest of Asia offers hope

... eriencing peak growth in 2010 and even faster after 2015, due to excess supply, deflationary pressures and the collapse of the overall stock market. As China’s economy started to recover in 2016, Trum ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

Trade in your home, will you?

... aditional peak season for the property market in a rather depressing environment, Shandong government took the lead to coordinate with 12 property developers and agencies and came up with a rather cre ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-13

A tech war without winners

... op from a peak of 21.6% in 2017. Foreign direct investment and portfolio flows have also decreased, with net FDI flows recording a deficit of $49 billion in the second quarter of this year. The ongoin ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-31

工廈「垂直農場」 穩定供應優質菜

... ,「電力公司供電有『Peak Hour』,亦即比較多人用電時段。每次從低量轉為高量供電,他們相對需要花上額外電 ...全文


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