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... 繼續上墨;Lamy及Pilot在底部有一凹位,讓筆尖可探入;其他大部分的設計,平面內壁,只是一個瓶而己。很明顯 ...全文


Reforming HK for the better: Technology, connectivity and people

... emergency pilot to build temporary bridges around the Lok Ma Chau Loop to transport adequate materials and resources across the border to enable the construction of more community isolation and treatm ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-14

打通上中下游「關節」 推動創科成果商品化

... 略性行業,建立試產(Pilot Production)乃至小批量生產的能力,有助加快研發成果轉化的成功率,並透 ...全文


Governing an ocean of plastics

... ies could pilot funding schemes for innovative local businesses and plastic recovery options, including incineration facilities with energy recovery. Lastly, legal principles governing the ocean as pa ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-10

Paving the way for the new digital economy through CBDC

... tered the pilot phase in ten cities. As a traditional international financial centre, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is not far behind, with a wholesale CBDC research project for financial in ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-18

Measuring poverty properly

... owns. The pilot project aimed to test a “COVID-adjusted” blueprint to measure poverty that could be adopted by Malaysia’s federal government for use at the national level. Six months later, Mustapa Mo ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-17


... 項目可作為先導計劃(Pilot Scheme),將把有關數據交予環保團體等參考,以評估回收需求及制定更多相關環 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年02月14日


... 16.8億美元,收購Pilot Freight Services,加強北美洲陸路貨運業務。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年02月10日

Asia’s emissions-reduction plan for the world

... hip for a pilot Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM), we were not making a vague commitment to achieve a distant goal. Instead, we jointly formulated a concrete plan for an equitable, scalable, affordabl ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-21

Qianhai: Starting point for HK to build up a new growth engine

... uilding a pilot platform for comprehensive deepening of reform and innovation" and "building a high-level gateway for opening-up". For a long time, Qianhai has been the Pilot Demonstration Zone in the ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-24


... Incentive Pilot),其用意就是補貼達致可持續農業準則的農場。截至2021年10月,已邀請的100 ...全文


HK picks up pace in data sharing

... owing the pilot launch, CDI is expected to officially launch by the end of 2022. The project marks an extension of HKMA’s role from overseeing the secure movement of funds in the clearing and settleme ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19


... 的眼控支援裝置TD Pilot,讓患有腦癱、肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(ALS)和脊髓損傷等殘疾人士,能夠以眼球操 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年11月17日


... 「Uber for Pilot」的概念,突破時間和地域限制,讓機師和飛機公司可以透過平台實時配對,加快航班安排 ...全文


‘Common prosperity’ in China

...  chose to pilot common prosperity policies in Zhejiang, China’s third richest province. Zhejiang is home to some of the most successful private companies in China, and is an interesting case study in ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-15

COVID-19 fuels HK-Shenzhen cooperation in biotech

... ss of the pilot batch of the vaccine was carried out in the Mainland. This clearly exemplifies the diversified models of collaboration between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Lok Ma Chau Loop as the gear for ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31


... vigate on Pilot)領航系統,並非自動駕駛系統,需要司機監察整個駕駛過程。無獨有偶,電動車生產商T ...全文



... vigate on Pilot)領航狀態功能後,在瀋海高速涵江段發生交通事故不幸逝世,終年31歲。蔚來回覆傳媒 ...全文


How to improve new town planning

... community pilot project in the area of Tung Chung New Town Extension in Lantau Island. The area will promote smart and environmentally friendly construction that also reduces detriment to climate. It ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-02

Rich potential of China infrastructure REITs

... ars. This pilot launch has been a success aided by the strong backing of sponsors, and strategic and long-term institutional investors. New investors were assured by the rigour of the listing conditio ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-23

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