
共 186 個結果
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Some factors that will help support China's economy

... elatively slim this year. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on April 2 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-03

德國寶家居產品 「納米樓」必備救星

... 空保溫燜燒杯。另外,Slim Line嵌入式電器機身闊度小至450mm,系列包括︰嵌入式焗爐、洗碗碟機、煙導式 ...全文


輕鬆大掃除 清潔地板機械人

... EBOT OZMO Slim,則以機身纖薄作招徠,這是為了針對清掃家具下方及家中死角位,將機身纖巧至5.7厘米 ...全文



... EBOT OZMO Slim地面清潔機械人 5.7厘米厚機身,備有掃地、吸塵、拖地功能,以及防纏繞吸口。有硬地 ...全文



... Dior店穿上只有最slim身材才能穿上之黑色皮褸,幻想自己變成《天若有情》的「華弟」;天氣有點冷,要到Lor ...全文


Top US senators briefed by CIA blame MbS for Khashoggi death

... ho hold a slim majority in the Senate and rarely break from the president, defied his wishes and voted with Democrats to advance the measure that would end US support for the Saudi-led war effort in Y ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-05


... 哥首富Carlos Slim),但出生在巴西,小時候在黎巴嫩居住,然後再往法國求學,畢業於尊貴的Ecole P ...全文


Brexit: What are the chances of a second referendum?

...  deal has slim chances of getting through the Commons. Neither the EU nor the UK seems to have a plan B. Starting from scratch is hardly an option. So, is it possible we are going to witness the Secon ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-22

Will Apple iPad Pro replace the Macbook series?

...  slightly slimmer profile, as tech news website cnet noted. The home button has been done away with, with Face ID authentication technology introduced for unlocking the device as in the iPhone X gadge ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-01


Slim d'Hermès GMT 39.5毫米鈀金錶殼,搭配愛馬仕自製H1950超薄自動上鏈機芯,動力儲存4 ...全文


旅人良伴 兩地時間腕錶

...  至於Hermès的Slim d'Hermès GMT腕錶則充滿古典味,岩灰色錶盤有着獨特的美感,先多得採用了 ...全文


Trade war: How much is theatre, how much is real?

... as only a slim margin of spare capacity. Lastly, while history reveals it is possible to experience an “earnings recession” without an economic recession, there has never been an economic recession wh ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-13

德國寶參展2018「香港餐飲展」 年度餐飲業界盛會

... 新廚房產品,包括全新Slim Line嵌入式廚電系列及商用專業電磁爐具系列,與業界人士分享最嶄新和高端的商用廚 ...全文


Uyghur militant threat: China's crackdown and policy changes

... l Asian Muslim communities. The crackdown, involving the introduction of the world’s most intrusive surveillance state and the indefinite internment of large numbers of Muslims in re-education camps, ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-24


愛馬仕SLIM D'HERMÈS Les Zèbres de Tanzanie 41毫米白金錶殼,搭配自製H1 ...全文


錶盤美術 皮革裝飾工藝

... Cavales腕錶和SLIM D'HERMÈS Les Zèbres de Tanzanie腕錶,讓錶迷愛不釋 ...全文


Yo Hong Kong DJ! The motherland is calling

... ngqing DJ Slim Doctor, an impressive scratch deejay; the talented Lovetron; and LeKSs, who helps run Pomegranate Sounds, we enjoyed a crazy night across the border. Knowledgeable local crowds, great s ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-22

China's A shares: All set for the MSCI debut

...  may seem slim pickings, but if China continues to commit to stock and capital market liberalisation, investors are unlikely to be kept waiting too long for quality to grow and more investable compani ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-31

Going downhill from losing weight

Standing in front of me was a very slim girl, aged about 20. Entering the consultation room, she was fidgeting and looking around with fear. I asked what her name was and she softly replied that I cou ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-18

Halo Top大戰Häagen-Dazs

... 慕的職業,電視中穿着slim cut藍色西裝,雪白襯衣配上1.5吋寬黑色領帶,腳踏光亮反光的啡色Berluti ...全文


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