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... 為「轉換成本效應」(switch-cost effect)【註】。美國卡內基梅隆大學(Carnegie Mel ...全文



... )的交易獲批,任天堂Switch玩家日後可與Xbox平台一樣,同步體驗《決勝時刻》(Call of Duty) ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年02月23日

任天堂唱淡業績 全年估少賺22.5%

... ,跌幅多過預期,反映Switch遊戲機老化及全球遊戲市場前景不明朗。 由於Switch的新遊戲《寶可夢朱/紫》 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年02月08日

Hong Kong tech innovation spurs green transition

... LEDs. The switch will support the green transition in order to meet the energy-saving goal in 2035. However, it is always easier said than done. Companies often encounter a dilemma when it comes to tr ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-07

Realism about techno-optimism

... people to switch to lower-carbon technologies, or will it take more fundamental changes to how we live and organize ourselves as a society? These are not just philosophical or academic questions. In t ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-01

保良局何壽南小學 「三樂」計劃助學生對抗逆境

... 起在禮堂玩遊戲,例如Switch。「很多人都是第一次玩,非常興奮。」她認為香港小朋友物質豐富,只是缺乏心靈支持 ...全文


Why the US must ban non-compete clauses

...  example, switch from accounting to retail), or remain unemployed for a year or longer. To the extent that employers have valuable proprietary information to protect, non-compete clauses are, in the w ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-16


... 任天堂亦不排除日後為Switch加價。微軟遊戲部門主管斯潘塞(Phil Spencer)今年9月接受美國CNB ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年12月07日


任天堂遊戲機Switch的新遊戲《寶可夢朱/紫》(Pokémon Scarlet & Violet)本 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月25日

民建聯年度漢字選舉 參加者有機獲Switch

... 機會獲得任天堂遊戲機Switch(OLED款式)或惠康超級市場300元現金券。 民建聯自2013年起舉辦「香港 ...全文


Sustainable investment: The challenge for investors

... l have to switch from fossil fuels to cleaner energies (water, wind, solar and possibly nuclear). Agriculture and nature preservation. Between now and 2050, we will need to feed an additional 2 billio ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-10


... 年度的純利預測,卻把Switch遊戲機全年付運量預測大削10%,至1900萬部。 受惠日圓貶 盈測上調18% ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月09日

EY forum discovers potential of data,finance,ESG interconnection

... orates to switch from traditional energy to renewable energy, and lower the cost of low-carbon energy at the same time, more low-carbon projects can be supported and launched. Developing the health in ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-07

Is Web 3.0 a technological revolution?

... , one can switch to another company's service. This drives the company to work harder to satisfy customers while remaining innovative. 2) Lower threat of hackers:Because the data are scattered and sto ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-22


... 充其量,只能簡化成為switch on或switch off。 胡漢清經常提及一宗發生在他身上的小故事。他說, ...全文


Edible oils are facing a supply crunch

... itionally switch from growing corn to soybeans, enabling this demand to be met and prices to stabilize. But supply of palm and soybean oil has not been able to keep pace with the rising demand caused ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-04

WeChat Pay用戶飆三成 突破500萬

... 及Nintendo Switch遊戲主機等電子產品。 另外,內地傳媒報道,有用戶反映微信支付昨早一度出現異常情 ...全文


BoC Pay夥友和YOHO加碼推消費券優惠

... 堂Nintendo Switch遊戲主機等人氣電子產品。   ...全文


Profitability and sustainability not mutually exclusive

... iency and switch its global fleet of vehicles to lower emission options. An article published by the World Economic Forum points out there is mounting evidence that it is possible for corporations to ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-02


新界洪水橋洪福邨洪樂樓一名18歲男大學生,周五(20日)在家玩任天堂Switch電子體感遊戲《健身環大冒險》( ...全文


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