Toshiba Corporation has sued Western Digital for 120 billion yen (US$1.1 billion), accusing the US firm of interfering in the attempted sale of the Japanese technology giant's flash-memory chip unit. ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-29
日本東芝昨天在東京地方法院提出起訴,指美國合資夥伴Western Digital干涉其出售晶片業務,並獲得商業 ...全文
東芝出售旗下合資晶片業務再添變數,東芝的美國合資夥伴Western Digital周二突然表示,與私募基金公司 ...全文
日本東芝出售旗下晶片業務終於有眉目,公司昨天表示傾向一個由日本政府撐腰的日美韓資財團買入,確認選定「日美韓聯盟 ...全文
Toshiba Corp. said on Wednesday its board has chosen a Japanese government-led consortium as the preferred bidder for the conglomerate's prized flash memory chip business, Reuters reports. The group c ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-21
東芝出售記憶晶片業務再添波折,其晶片業務合作夥伴美國威騰電子(Western Digital)周三入稟加州高等 ...全文
The tech-laden Nasdaq Composite Index declined 1.8 percent last Friday after Goldman Sachs warned of a “valuation air-pocket” in five leading tech stocks dubbed as FAAMG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Micr ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-14
上周五美國納斯特指數大跌1.8%,導火線是高盛出了一個關於最火紅FAAMG(Facebook、蘋果、亞馬遜、微 ...全文
東芝本周四將選出記憶晶片業務屬意買家,外電消息透露,美國晶片商Western Digital Corp(WDC ...全文
路透引述消息人士報道,東芝打算在下周四宣布旗下晶片業務將轉讓給哪個買家,消息刺激東芝股價昨日升5.5%,收報2 ...全文
Toshiba Corp. aims to name a winner for its prized semiconductor business next week, Reuters reports, citing people familiar with the matter. Sources told the news agency the choice has narrowed to on ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-08
日本十九世紀著名發明家田中久重創立的芝浦製作所是東芝的前身,他二十多歲就製作出一個靠發條推動的「弓曳童子」,即 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年05月18日
東芝及其美國合作夥伴Western Digital的爭拗升級,Western Digital決定就東芝把晶片業 ...全文
Western Digital Corp has sought international arbitration to stop partner Toshiba Corp from selling its chips arm without its consent, potentially derailing a much-needed capital injection for the Jap ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-15
日本東芝警告美國合作夥伴Western Digital, 停止干預東芝出售晶片業務的計劃,否則會向Wester ...全文