
共 898 個結果
頁數:1...37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Business with Beijing can’t make Seoul feel safe, but THAAD can

All the developments following the international tribunal's ruling in the Hague that disavowed Beijing’s “historical right” to disputed waters and islands in the South China Sea have actually affirmed ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-01

醫企用毒 置之死地

... 不足的國情狀態,當年ING收購霸菱基本上亦是此毒方。 新天換出來 但以毒攻毒後,是否仍有接續方案,這裏要先提提 ...全文


Beijing piles the pressure on HK and Taiwan artists

... . It is using its economic might, along with its vast market, to apply pressure on the island.  This time around, it has chosen to focus on the entertainment sector. Rumors have it that Beijing wants ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-27

銅鑼灣舖2.8億標售 月劈兩成

... 購,包括荷蘭TMF及ING霸菱等,估計交易價介乎15億至31億元;東亞持有卓佳75.6%股權。   ...全文


US quietly moving to ease South China Sea tensions

Washington is quickly moving to ease tensions after an international court threw out China's claims to disputed waters in the South China Sea. Reuters is reporting that the United States is quietly tr ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-14


... ,CY特首已在「熱身ing」。 就在CY特首開始發力之際,坊間傳出中央官員前不久在深圳分別暗會兩名司長,即當紅 ...全文


Women leaders: The turning tide

Let's accept this fact: the world will be ruled by women. In the next 12 months, the United States and the United Kingdom are both likely to end up with women leaders, who will make a difference in th ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-04

英失AAA評級 美股一度瀉334點

... 6.398,升1%。ING分析員認為,英鎊目前被低估,但在各種不安因素下,英鎊未來數周甚至數月將繼續受壓。 受 ...全文


Has Xi actually done anything other than mess things up?

Beijing and its Western partners can never become bosom pals because of the opaque way the Chinese are conducting their politics. Recently I came across a commentary in the Communist Party mouthpiece ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-23

Counting the cost of Brexit: just look at Tsai's Taiwan

“Leavers” may have gained the upper hand with more people quitting the "remainians" as seen in the most recent polls before the June 23 referendum. Britain is seeing an unprecedented wave of dissensio ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-20

英國倘脫歐 鎊滙重挫兩成

... 升至約1.6美元,但ING認為,英鎊屆時只會升至1.5美元。 ...全文


What Ma's travails with Tsai tell us about Hong Kong

Former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) thought he could visit Hong Kong, his birthplace, without restrictions now that he is no longer president. So when the Society of Publishers in Asia invited him ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-14

花旗籲沽東亞恒生 降目標價

... 務商TMF集團,以及ING霸菱等4、5間跨國機構與基金公司。 東亞發言人回應表示,在業務策略性檢討後, 該行已 ...全文


Beijing dilemma: Whose flag is it anyway?

... been dropping, with organizers this year saying that 125,000 people had taken part, compared with 135,000 last year and 180,000 the year before that. Police figures are always much smaller and, this y ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-13

Why Ma Ying-jeou shouldn't visit Hong Kong

Former Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou was born in Hong Kong, so he should have the right to return to his birthplace for any reason -- unless there are political considerations to the contrary. Ther ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-13

Tsai blocks landmark Hong Kong visit by predecessor

Former Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou has been barred by the new government from a landmark visit to Hong Kong this week. President Tsai Ing-wen rejected Ma's travel request, citing security concerns, ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-13

高盛:恒指50天線建支持 留意牛67427熊66427購26987沽27891/27153

... 318)有意參與競購ING南韓人壽保險業務。 平安股價築底已久,近日重上10天線,周一升0.7%,收報33.9 ...全文



... 市傳平保有意參與競購ING南韓人壽保險業務,或可成短期催化劑。   ❺衍生市場表現 從上周五收市後的數據來看 ...全文



... 購南韓第五大壽險公司ING人壽,料30億美元成交。南韓媒體Market Insight引述消息人士表示,目前有 ...全文


高盛:平安挑戰20天線 留意購25532

... 318)有意參與競購ING南韓人壽保險業務,其股價今早曾升逾1%,現正挑戰20天線約34元水平。如看好,可留意 ...全文


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