
共 1293 個結果
頁數:1...37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ...65

Access to Microsoft's Bing restored for some users in China

Microsoft's Bing search engine was accessible for some internet users in mainland China late on Thursday, indicating that online access to the foreign technology service may have been restored within ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-25

Microsoft says Bing search engine blocked in China

Microsoft Corp.'s Bing search engine has been blocked in China, the company said, making it the latest foreign technology service to be shut down behind the country’s Great Firewall. “We’ve confirmed ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-24


微軟(Microsoft)旗下Bing搜尋器據報於中國遭屏蔽。 英國《金融時報》引述消息人士報道,在中國政府的 ...全文


IBM shares jump on strong profit, outlook

... Services, Microsoft Azure and Alphabet Inc.’s Google.  The company recently signed multiple cloud services contracts, including with British telecom operator Vodafone Plc and French bank BNP Paribas  ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-23

特許秘書公會總裁 每隔4年換崗位

... )和Leaving Microsoft to Change the World(《離開微軟 改變世界:一名微軟 ...全文


Snap財監唔撈 股價跌開有路

... 通訊平台Slack和Microsoft Teams,根本毋須下載另一種通訊app。 譯自:THE LEX CO ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年01月21日

混合智能 HI將主導世界(上)

... tana,她是微軟(Microsoft)的AI助手,而Watson則是IBM旗下的AI軟體。那麼百度呢?百度亦 ...全文


When humans are ruled by artificial intelligence

... ants like Microsoft and Huawei, not to cooperate with the state in the name of upholding “national security”. And over time, these private companies are likely to gradually become part of the governin ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-09

【EJFQ信析】亞馬遜晉身一哥 靠實績問鼎股王

... 68億美元,從微軟(Microsoft)手上奪下全球市值「一哥」寶座;至於能否取代蘋果(Apple)成為獨步天 ...全文


亞馬遜晉身一哥 靠實績問鼎股王

... 68億美元,從微軟(Microsoft)手上奪下全球市值「一哥」寶座;至於能否取代蘋果(Apple)成為獨步天 ...全文


ICE-owned crypto startup Bakkt gets Li Ka-shing on board

... ng Group, Microsoft’s venture capital arm M12, Naspers’ fintech company PayU, and Li Ka-shing's Horizons Ventures. This, in fact, is Horizons Ventures' third investment in blockchain-focused startups, ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08

長訊不如短訊 Story就是主流

... 活動。 自從兩年前被Microsoft收購,加上先前買下商業教育影片平台Lynda後,LinkedIn的定位已 ...全文



... 才為港人熟悉。它本是Microsoft旗下的一門業務,由公司高層Rich Barton所開發,最初出版旅遊專題 ...全文


Slack要贏微軟 須揼本宣傳送優惠

... 微軟企業群組聊天軟件Microsoft Teams規模更大,但Slack勝在用戶「有noise」。Slack產 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年12月12日


2018年11月26日,Microsoft在美國收市時市值8129億美元,超越Apple之8126億美元。Mi ...全文


Microsoft again calls for regulation of facial-recognition tech

Microsoft on Thursday announced ethical principles for the use of its facial-recognition technology, saying it would bar such tech from being used to engage in unlawful discrimination, Reuters reports ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-07

亞馬遜做「一哥」 雲端副業操戈

... 求勝,推出混合雲平台Microsoft Azure Stack,以吸引作風保守的企業用戶,讓企業用戶把自家資料 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年12月06日

Struggling with editing text on iPhone? Here's a solution

... ke Notes, Microsoft Word, Gmail or WhatsApp on an iPhone. Then hold down the spacebar of the keyboard. The letters on the keyboard will disappear and the screen transforms into an operation like a mou ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-30

Microsoft pulls ahead of Apple in market value

Microsoft Corp.’s stock market value surpassed Apple Inc.’s, pulling ahead by as much as US$3 billion as the Windows software maker benefited from optimism about demand for cloud computing services, R ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-29

Why Microsoft looks set to capture title of most valuable firm

In the tech world, no company can take its market position or leadership title for granted. For proof, just take a look at the changing fortunes of Apple and Microsoft in relation to their valuations. ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-28

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