
共 1263 個結果
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... 春季落地中國。此前,Microsoft Azure和Office 365在2014年先後宣布在中國市場正式商用 ...全文


Microsoft sales and profit beat estimates on cloud growth

Microsoft Corp. beat Wall Street estimates for revenue and profit in its first quarter as more businesses signed up for its Azure cloud computing services and Office 365 software, Reuters reports. Mic ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-25

建立開放共用標準 提升供應鏈管理效益

... edEx、UPS、 Microsoft及Uber Freight等跨國物流業翹楚,而亞洲成員則包括韓國的CJ ...全文


保羅艾倫 長期抗癌

微軟(Microsoft)聯合創辦人保羅艾倫(Paul Allen)早前因「非霍奇金淋巴瘤」併發症逝世,享年6 ...全文


Google to charge Android partners up to US$40 per device: report

... s such as Microsoft Corp. more room to partner with hardware makers to become the default apps for search and browsing, analysts said. Qwant, a small French search company that has been critical of Go ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-22

Winter is coming?

... ke Apple, Microsoft and Nvidia. However, share prices of Facebook and Netflix have weakened since the third quarter. Rocked by privacy breaches and management issues, Facebook has slumped 12 percent y ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-19

Microsoft's Paul Allen dies of cancer complications at 65

Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Allen, the man who persuaded school-friend Bill Gates to drop out of Harvard to start what became the world’s biggest software company, died on Monday at the age of 65, ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-16

First round of fines under new EU privacy law seen by year-end

... tsApp and Microsoft subsidiary Skype. Hailed by privacy activists but criticized by tech companies and some EU countries as being too restrictive, the e-privacy proposal aims to extend tough telecoms ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10

Microsoft to invest in Southeast Asian ride-hailing firm Grab

Microsoft Corp. is investing in Southeast Asian ride-hailing firm Grab as part of a partnership that the two companies said will allow them to collaborate on technology projects, including big data an ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-09

The First Bank of Starbucks

... as Bakkt. Microsoft will provide the cloud services, and a Who’s Who of tech investing is lined up to provide funding and advice. While more details of how Bakkt will operate are expected in November, ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-03

Tencent aims to become enterprise-focused service provider

...  Service, Microsoft Azure and Alibaba Group’s Aliyun service. Aliyun, in fact, has cornered half of China's cloud market, while Tencent and other competitors such as Kingsoft, China Telecom and other ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-02


統籌:陳志輝(中大EMBA課程主任) 主持︰陳志輝、張璧賢 嘉賓︰陳珊珊(Microsoft香港及澳門區總經理 ...全文


香海正覺蓮社佛教黃藻森學校 力推電子教學 結合語文學習

... 息峰會大獎」、「微軟Microsoft創意教師比賽」香港區冠軍等,成績驕人。 主題式學STEM 近年政府銳意推 ...全文


US business readies public fight against Trump tariffs

... s include Microsoft Corp., Google owner Alphabet Inc. and Apple Inc. While Trump threatened tariffs on the campaign trail and ended America’s participation in the Trans Pacific Partnership, a large mu ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-12

【EJFQ信析】回購魔法有盡時 美牛健康起疑慮

... ,「雙A」連同微軟(Microsoft)三者佔標指比重達11.6%,為2000年科網泡沫時代後三大市值股份佔比 ...全文


回購魔法有盡時 美牛健康起疑慮

... ,「雙A」連同微軟(Microsoft)三者佔標指比重達11.6%,為2000年科網泡沫時代後三大市值股份佔比 ...全文


Digital assistants gaining wider acceptance

... msung and Microsoft are competing with Alexa for market share. – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-04

Alphabet先機已失 估值偏高

... mazon AWS和Microsoft Azure的2018年巿場份額分別為41.5%和29.4%,Googl ...全文


Microsoft 365 OneDrive to add video transcription

Microsoft is introducing media searching in OneDrive and SharePoint that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to transcribe audio and video. Microsoft 365 customers will soon have access to a ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-30

Microsoft 365增影片語音轉文字

... 布,今年內升級旗下的Microsoft 365服務,利用AI提高內容管理效率,讓全球企業釋放人手。新方案將適用 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月30日

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