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Does Hong Kong still have a place?

... ll have a place? …is a misleading question. Hong Kong's ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2020年12月29日

親民手工 意麵薄餅

... 角「文青商場」D2 Place開業,主打以意大利最幼滑的00號麵粉來炮製各式手工意麵及薄餅,配上文青風的簡約設 ...全文


Does Hong Kong still have a place?

... ll have a place? …is a misleading question. Hong Kong’s not going anywhere – at least, in corporeal terms. A vast majority of the city’s population, despite all the fanfare and bluster, would not dese ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-23

聖誕賞燈勝地 倚河畔密度低 悉尼綠城康科德屋大地大著稱

... 所在的Martin Place每年會舉行巨型聖誕樹點燈活動,吸引數千人參加。其實,位於悉尼中央商業區(CBD) ...全文


Why “China-Plus-One” strategy remains superior in post-Covid era

... effective place to manufacture. Hence, the increase in costs, especially tariffs, coupled with the exigent value of diversifying supply networks have become main accelerants to moving manufacturing bu ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-17

HK:Foreign firms’ concern about judicial independence, stability

... ttractive place and expats will not want to work here. This is already happening in academia,” he said. In an editorial on the survey, Ming Pao said that Hong Kong still remained attractive, with adva ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-14

China and HK must continue efforts to improve board diversity

... lan is in place to meet these expectations. In this year alone we have voted against directors of China Mobile, AIA, Power Assets and Geely Auto due to gender diversity concerns. Engagement in action: ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-11

倫敦一區現樓 毗鄰倫敦眼及西敏宮 盡享尊貴地理優勢

... Southbank Place,毗鄰西敏城區、銀禧花園及倫敦眼等觀光熱點,坐擁上佳泰晤士河景觀之餘,附近更是藝 ...全文



... helter-in-place order),呼籲居民留在室內暫避,亦不要使用暖氣。 火光熊熊 傳出氯氣味道 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年12月10日


... know your place,才能隨遇而安。反叛的、離經叛道的,必將在想封閉的資本主義社會裏受到大力的懲罰。 ...全文


彩燈閃爍 聖誕迷城

... els Grand Place)近日舉行聖誕燈光表演,除節日主角聖誕樹的燈飾亮起之外,周圍的建築亦被燈光照射成 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2020年12月05日


... 坊(Raffles Place MRT)亦只是距離4個站。   ...全文


COVID-19 and climate change: Implications for thematic investing

... y been in place for some time, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly amplified the magnitude and accelerated the pace of change in many cases. Nearly a year following its outbreak, clea ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-30


... (aging in place)的思維,建造失智村,設計生活化的場景,由患者按當下的心智,決定鍛煉哪種自理能力 ...全文


Hong Kong people become experts in UK property market

... nd need a place to live. A second are those who are considering whether to go and want a property first. The UK economy is in very bad shape and good jobs hard to find. HK migrants may have to live of ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-26

Hong Kong people become experts in UK property market

... nd need a place to live. A second are those who are con ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2020年11月26日

巴黎義工搭難民營 遭火速清場

... 於周一晚在共和廣場(Place de la République)清除臨時營帳事件展開調查,又稱網上流出清場時 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年11月25日

Will Swire Pacific be privatized?

... d Pacific Place represent how Covid-19 destroyed its crown jewels as people are barred from travelling and even going to work. A Financial Times columnist once joked that if one thought of the five wo ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-18

Digital insurance is the future but human touch still needed

...  plans in place that support them through worst-case scenarios. It is essential to plan ahead and think about the types of protection needed such as life, medical, and critical illness plans, with the ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-12

U.S. election: China draws lesson from American democracy

... ability replace the unpredictability that has characterized the Trump administration. However, Biden will be tough on China, a position shared by both major U.S. political parties. Even Le, the Chines ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-12

頁數:1...37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ...150

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