
共 3000 個結果
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高通脹低增長 美國陷災難歲月

... ey Tariff Act)引發經濟大蕭條後,由政策造成的最惡劣經濟災難,決策者正慢慢地把美國經濟逼入死巷,手 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2021年11月05日

On the Mental Health of Our Youth

... ny and intactness of our community (which, according to ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月05日

On the mental health of our youth

... ny and intactness of our community (which, according to some, is of paramount importance!) – but also the economic output that we generate. Full preface here, I do not think that we should be quantify ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-04

追求幸福會讓我們痛苦? 給照顧者們的啟示

...  Therapy, ACT)提出了一種嶄新的見解,你有沒有曾經開着收音機或電視,但很專心地在做其他事情呢?那時 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化家庭護理莊婉瑜助理教授 丘培狄2021年11月04日


美國參議員霍利(Josh Hawley)周二提出《武裝台灣法案》(Arm Taiwan Act),內容包括要求 ...全文


美國仍然戰略模糊 台海緊張而不緊迫

... rm Taiwan Act of 2021),提議在二〇二三年至二〇二七年期間每年撥款三十億美元,確保台灣擁有 ...全文


What fading stimulus means for investors?

... e see attractive opportunities for investors focused on fundamentals. Central Banks Prepare for Tough Balancing Act The withdrawal of extraordinary monetary accommodation in the US and other developed ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-03


... Relations Act),以撤銷中國享有的永久性正常貿易關係(PNTR)地位,即撤銷中國的永久最優惠國待遇 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年11月03日

Why climate change is a health crisis

The threat COVID-19 poses to human health is now well understood around the world. In contrast, the enormous health threat of global warming, with its broad array of persistent impacts on our well-bei ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-02


美國參議院日前通過《安全設備法》(Secure Equipment Act)法案,進一步阻止華為及中興(007 ...全文



... Equipment Act)法案,進一步阻止華為及中興(00763)等被指對美國構成安全威脅的中資公司,獲得美 ...全文



... a Watcher Act),要求國務院設立「中國觀察項目」,為監測、追蹤和抗衡中國在國際社會的軍事、經濟和政 ...全文


Re-launch Tenants Purchase Scheme to create common Prosperity

... ng should act according to local conditions by capitalising on its small but open economy and consolidating its position in the Greater Bay Area with an international vision. Coupled with multifarious ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-28


... ts)、服務的行動(Act of Services)和肢體接觸(Physical Touch)。一句簡單的讚美 ...全文


The inflation catch-up game

... panied by actual and feared supply shortages, is fueling both consumer and producer anxiety. By also threatening to worsen inequality and derail a much-needed sustained and inclusive economic recovery ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-26

Policy decisions drive Taiwan investors out of China

On the morning of September 26, Taiwan manufacturers in Suzhou and Kunshan received a notice from the Jiangsu government informing them that power restrictions would begin at noon that day and they mu ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-25

Asia businesses face increasing ESG liability risks

... while not actually delivering on the proposition – that is, “green washing”. Investors and regulators across the region, including in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan have signalled their concerns that gre ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-22

The EU must step up in Glasgow

... -reaching action to prevent the worst ravages of global warming. It didn’t happen. Too many of the big players (and emitters) arrived without any viable proposals for reducing greenhouse-gas (GHG) emi ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-22

What the US recovery is missing

The expiration of enhanced unemployment benefits in the United States has come and gone with no noticeable impact on the number of Americans seeking work. This should come as no surprise. Arguments ma ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-22

索馬里裔疑兇落網 曾納入反極端計劃

... Terrorism Act)扣押25歲疑兇阿里(Ali Harbi Ali)。阿里生於英國,父親為索馬里前總理 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年10月18日

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