
共 2421 個結果
頁數:1...38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ...122

Amazon pauses sellers' loan repayments amid coronavirus

Amazon.com Inc. said it will temporarily not require sellers in its marketplace to repay loans it has made to them, as merchants confront the prospect of declining sales during the coronavirus pandemi ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

Indians scramble for supplies as lockdown begins

... wn began. Amazon India’s pantry service, which delivers groceries, was also not available in several cities. Anthony Thomas, a worker at a small online milk delivery service, who normally distributes ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

Netflix, Facebook to cut data traffic in India to ease networks

... his week, Amazon's Prime Video service said it has begun reducing streaming bit rates in India. – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25


... 平台一直使用一套類似Amazon促銷的系統來催谷受眾看新聞的速度和數量──現在竟然反過來鼓勵美國人應當少看些新 ...全文


亞馬遜生意激增 倉庫員加班「雙工」

世界各地陸續推出家居避疫措施,刺激網購訂單急增,全球最大網購商亞馬遜(Amazon)為了應付需求,一周內第二次 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月23日


賦閒在家,在日本Amazon網站繼續蒐購漫畫,第二套想全套買入的是八九十年代瘋魔全球的搞笑功夫漫畫《亂馬1/2 ...全文


Walmart to hire 150,000 workers as shoppers rush to stock up

... ss. Rival Amazon announced earlier this week that it will hire 100,000 warehouse and delivery workers in the United States as the virus outbreak boosts online orders. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-20

大眾執笠 書業未死

... 正如筆者去年在〈戰勝Amazon的男人〉一文指出,英國Waterstones書店集團恰好採取「反誠品化」路線, ...全文


亞馬遜爆倉 歐美存庫只收必需品

... llment by Amazon),當中更有64%三方賣家完全依賴這服務。亞馬遜物流幫助賣家處理一切物流程序, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月19日

Amazon to hire 100,000 workers as online orders surge

Amazon.com Inc. said it will hire 100,000 warehouse and delivery workers in the United States to deal with a surge in online orders, as many consumers have turned to the web to meet their needs during ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-17

fb谷歌等抗疫工作組 與白宮商遠程診斷

... ogle)和亞馬遜(Amazon),與會的白宮官員包括白宮科技總監Michael Kratsios。 根據議程 ...全文



... 和看書。兩周前從日本Amazon訂了3套九十年代漫畫,如《龍珠》、《幽遊白書》及《浪客劍心》等,一下子就把家中 ...全文


Pentagon seeks to reconsider parts of US$10 billion cloud deal

... h granted Amazon.com Inc.’s request to temporarily halt the DoD and Microsoft from moving forward with the deal, which Amazon had said reflected undue influence by President Donald Trump. Lawyers for ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

Why conservation focus is good for business

... ail giant Amazon unveiled a ‘climate pledge’ promising that the company would transition to zero emissions by 2030 - and it’s a move we can all take inspiration from. If a business with such a deep, l ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13


... 發布會之外,亞馬遜(Amazon)更設立500萬美元(約3900萬港元)的救助基金,向受疫情打擊的西雅圖小企業 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月12日

Air freight rates surge amid flight cuts, factory restarts

... rding for Amazon.com sellers. “The price is three times higher – at least – because there is just no capacity,” Elbaz said. Freight Investor Services said in an update to clients on Monday that cargo ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11


美國白宮將於當地時間周三與Alphabe旗下的Google、亞馬遜(Amazon)、Facebook(fb)及 ...全文


Amazon, other large ecosystems at risk of rapid collapse: study

Large ecosystems such as the Amazon rainforest and coral reefs could collapse faster than scientists had previously assumed, a study said. Researchers crunched data on changes in dozens of ecosystems ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11

Amazon launches business selling automated checkout to retailers

Amazon.com Inc. is set to announce a new business line selling the technology behind its cashier-less convenience stores to other retailers, the company told Reuters. The world’s biggest web retailer ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

Judge: Amazon likely to succeed on key argument in Pentagon suit

A US judge said Amazon.com Inc. is likely to succeed on a key argument of its challenge to the US Department of Defense’s decision to award cloud computing deal worth up to US$10 billion to Microsoft ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

頁數:1...38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ...122

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