Visa一項調查發現,港人對能優化乘車體驗的創新技術持開放態度。當中,乘客重視交通安全和網上個人資料私隱,多於 ...全文
... 國,去年的萬事達卡和Visa信用卡、借記卡和預付卡的總支出就達到6萬億美元(約46.8萬億港元)。 fb擁有超 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年05月28日
... screening visa applications for students and researchers. “A lot of universities just don’t have the information about whether research they’re conducting is under threat,” a senior committee aide tol ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-24
... 有利偵查工作──故此visa bans絕對是低成本而高效益的一招。 另一創意新招,是資助一些國際性的非牟利機構 ...全文
... associate Visas Consulting Group reported that more than 60 percent of China’s richest people planned to invest in properties abroad in the next three years as part of their migration plans. The surve ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-16
... associate Visas Consulting Group reported that more tha ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2019年05月16日
Hong Kong citizens and qualified applicants will be able to apply for the next-generation HKSAR electronic passport (e-Passport) and the electronic document of identity for visa purposes (e-Doc/I) fro ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-10
... networks Visa and Mastercard and payments processor First Data, indicating that its cryptocurrency-based payments network would cover various usages, rather than just remittances as previous reports ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-03
... control, visa issuance andimmigration quotas. That is why current US trade sanctions against China don’t apply to Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong special administrative region can import US technology d ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-08
Apple Pay在2014年推出,至今已經有4年多,在全球多個國家支援不同的信用卡,包括Visa、Maste ...全文
... to get my visa approved on time. But that didn't happen and the plan had to be shelved. Still, I picked up something pretty useful and enlightening, which is, as the foreign friends have taught me, “h ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-28
... 2.6%,美國運通與VISA都跌逾1%。科技股受壓,英特爾回落2.5%,微軟和思科都下跌超過2%。FAANG表 ...全文
... 指成分股;美國運通和VISA分別下滑0.7%和0.4%;摩根大通亦回落0.7%。聯邦快遞第三季業績低於市場預期 ...全文
... 指成分股;美國運通和VISA都下滑超過1%;摩根大通亦回落0.9%。聯邦快遞第三季業績低於市場預期,股價目前大 ...全文
... 響,目前升2.7%。VISA與美國運通都上揚逾1%。 拼多多第四季度月活躍人數按年增速放緩,開市跌10%,隨後 ...全文