
共 1515 個結果
頁數:1...38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ...76

券商唱好雲業務 騰訊逆市重越300
手遊收入料續升 審批有望快放寬

... 拓展中國遊客的商機。WeChat Pay HK發言人表示,此次在日本與LINE Pay的戰略合作,微信支付將聯 ...全文


Tencent, LINE teaming up for Japan mobile payments: Nikkei

... Tencent’s WeChat Pay at small to mid-sized restaurants and stores in Japan, a move aimed at tapping into the Chinese tourist boom in the country, the paper said. Under the facility, shopkeepers will e ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-27


... 機支付日漸普及,當中WeChat Pay及Alipay在市場非常進取,提供大量優惠,連同其他支付平台供應商的加 ...全文


Taiwan rebukes ruling party in local elections

... dded. The WeChat account of the overseas edition of the Communist Party’s official People’s Daily said Han had realized one important reality: “Taiwan will only be good if relations across the Taiwan ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-26

AXA安盛澳門銷售 研電子錢包繳保費

... 推出科技應用。她稱,WeChat Pay在澳門普及程度不低,而澳門人口有不少為內地移民,用上述電子錢包支付保費 ...全文


投初創 嘗初創

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文



... 、銀聯國際有限公司和WeChat Pay Hong Kong Limited。該3家服務供應商將於Alipay ...全文


Pan-dems, pro-Beijing camp all set to square off once again

... tsApp and WeChat, to solicit support for her in the by-election. Meanwhile, Chan also disclosed to the REO that a Shenzhen Pingshan clansmen association in Hong Kong had sent 20,000 WhatsApp and WeCha ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-21

雖代表建制 有泛民人士撐

... 、WhatsApp及WeChat發布選舉廣告的清一色是建制陣營人士。   ...全文



... 再度install WeChat,這個因為Jessie已關了的「朋友圈」網絡。 我並不像那班所謂竹昇精英,所以 ...全文


九西周日大戰 兩陣空群而出

... 過WhatsApp及WeChat發出1萬條附上競選傳單的訊息,向同業推薦陳凱欣;申報中亦見香港深圳坪山區龍田同 ...全文


Why central bank digital currencies would ruin cryptocurrencies

... lipay and WeChat in China; M-Pesa in Kenya; Paytm in India – offer attractive alternatives to services once provided by traditional commercial banks. Most of these fintech innovations are still connec ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-20

亞太產學研合作提升技術 微軟AI助行業數碼轉型

... 時學生只須啟動微信(WeChat)內的朗文小英,直接以英文對話及練習發音,系統就能針對學生的語音表現,即時作出 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年11月20日

AlipayHK to launch QR code payment for MTR by mid-2020

... ese rival WeChat Pay, which is operated by social media and gaming giant Tencent Holdings (00700.HK), is believed to be among the entities that participated in the MTR tender. Alipay and WeChat Pay ha ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-16

How Tencent is trying to protect its future

... ion yuan. WeChat Pay emerged as a market leader in China’s mobile payment space, even as it competes with Alibaba affiliate Alipay. Tencent said it had maintained its leadership in China’s mobile paym ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-15

騰訊第三季多賺三成 勝預期

... 推動。 另外,微信及WeChat合併月活躍賬戶則達10.83億戶,按年增10.46%,用戶參與度穩健增長,此乃 ...全文


Datum blockchain business won't rely solely on token-economics

... s Alipay, WeChat Pay and HSBC’s PayMe for free, instant payment transactions. Blockchain developers should focus on creating solutions that really adds value that the existing data store doesn’t bring ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-13

China erases thousands of social media accounts of news outlets

... 00700.HK) Wechat and Sina-owned Weibo, warning them against failing to prevent “uncivilized growth” and “all kinds of chaos” among independent media on their platforms. “The chaos among self-media acc ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-13

WeChat 'mini-program' initiative hits 1 million apps

China's dominant messaging app WeChat, operated by internet and gaming giant Tencent, has rolled out 1 million “mini-programs”, or mini mobile applications that are built into the WeChat platform,sinc ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-08

Motao Box, the cashier-less wine shop, is coming to HK next year

...  supports WeChat Pay as a payment option. But as the service is entering Hong Kong next year, the firm plans to add Alipay HK and credit cards to its payment options. Fung Zhen-hong, chairman and pres ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-06

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