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The case against 'posturism'

It goes without saying that Hong Kong is a city in dire ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2021年10月22日


... 冊公司ACTIVE CITY LIMITED,在2009年1月以1.8億元購入,一直未見顯示真正業主名字。而按 ...全文



... 市氣候融資缺口基金(City Climate Finance Gap Fund),它專注於在全球南方開展綠色投 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年10月21日

The case against ‘posturism’

It goes without saying that Hong Kong is a city in dire need of reform. From socioeconomic inequalities and housing (usable land) shortages, to excessive bureaucratism and legal restrictions inhibitin ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-20

On COVID-19, mental health and human decency

... ns in our city. Nobody wins from the frankly unconscion ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年10月19日

昂坪360夥Vivienne Tam搞線上時裝騷

... 首個線上時裝騷──「City Camouflaged城市縮影」,展現品牌最新的2021秋冬系列。 在香港成長的 ...全文


Post-pandemic recovery must include the care economy

... ludes the city of Portland. The county is implementing a care initiative called Preschool for All in which a tax on top-income earners will pay for universal early childhood education for three- and f ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-18

On COVID-19, mental health and human decency

... ns in our city. Nobody wins from the frankly unconscionable and dogmatically imposed quarantine orders. Yes – it is imperative that we take extraordinary care and due diligence to defend Hong Kong fro ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-18

We Need an Honest Conversation about Mental Health

... ar, for a city where studies have shown that one in sev ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年10月16日

Helsinki’s climate moonshot

... . But the city still has a major problem: indoor heating, which accounts for more than half of local emissions, is heavily dependent on coal, because the district heating system pumps excess hot water ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-15

We need an honest conversation about mental health

... ar, for a city where studies have shown that one in seven Hong Kongers is likely to experience mental health issues of some sorts throughout their lifetimes, and with a mental health index score of 46 ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-13

Creating a vibrant startup ecosystem in Hong Kong

... ears, the city has hovered between the 3rd and 4th in the world in recent years. According to China Unicorn Enterprise Research Report 2021 released by a Mainland research company, there were 82 unico ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-11

Quarantine rules threaten Hong Kong’s competitiveness

The severity of Hong Kong’s quarantine restrictions and the lack of a timetable to phase them out is threatening the city’s role as a centre of Asia-Pacific operations of foreign companies, the Europe ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-11

蘋果洛杉磯建地區總部 加速拓Apple TV+

... 弗城(Culver City)接壤地區,約有55萬方呎辦公樓面。蘋果沒有提及地區總部何時投入服務,但稱集團在區 ...全文



... 的控股公司Twin City Holdings Limited;入稟狀透露,原告於2019年10月至11月,就 ...全文


Why Hong Kong’s global message lacks credibility

...  that the city has a “secure and dynamic environment for business” , it was branded a “waste of money” by Legco lawmakers for “stating the obvious” . Indeed, HK government’s appeals have increasingly ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-08

代理銷售兩樓盤 要求賠息付訟費

... 峰」發展的Twin City Holdings Limited。根據入稟狀,原告2019年10月至11月與恒大 ...全文



去年12月,公共虛擬實境藝術節「虛擬之城」(Unreal City)正式在倫敦登場。沿着泰晤士河河岸漫步,觀眾 ...全文



... oice及Twin City提告,指兩間公司拖欠賣樓佣金。 ...全文


For Macao casinos, nothing will be the same

... of Zhuhai city and adjoining Macao, will be jointly managed by a committee chaired by the governor of Guangdong and the Chief Executive of Macao. Its management committee will be headed by an Executiv ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-05

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