
共 878 個結果
頁數:1...36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

What Carrie Lam said in her 'last' interview

Alas, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying will have to look for a new deputy if he wins reelection in 2017. Chief Secretary Carrie Lam, who arguably has the second toughest job in Hong Kong, told three ne ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-21

Yet another Taiwan food-safety scare

If you are visiting Taiwan, avoid these chain restaurants: Bravo Hot Pot, Dada Tea, Jogoya and No.1 Wellington Street. They reportedly bought expired food supplies from Hsienyang, a food company in th ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-20

蕭規曹隨說施政 一樹何來兩樣花

... 無英文名(Tsai Ing-wen和Tsai Ying Wen)且其幾近正楷的簽名幾乎雷同! ...全文


Ball is now in Tsai Ing-wen's court

The Democratic Progressive Party’s victory in Taiwan’s elections turned out to be even greater than expected, so much so that Beijing, which used to fulminate at the DPP-led pro-independence camp, has ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-19

Why Taiwan won't be another Hong Kong

Many Hong Kong people think Taiwan could be another Hong Kong on the assumption that the growing influence of Beijing on Taipei could gradually bring the island under Chinese rule. But after the lands ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-18

689: The difference between Tsai Ing-wen and CY Leung

Call it fate, happenstance or whatever, but there seems to be a magic number that ties Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen, the presidential candidate of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, to Hong Kong Ch ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-18

How a pop star apology may have helped contribute to DPP win

Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) might want to send a note of thanks to a 16-year-old K-pop star for inadvertently helping party candidate Tsai Ing-wen score a big win in the presidential e ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-18

Taiwan's Tsai vows economic fix while keeping peace with China

President-elect Tsai Ing-wen pledged to overhaul Taiwan’s flagging economy and maintain peace with mainland China, even as she called on Communist Party leaders in Beijing to respect the island’s demo ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-18

Taiwan elections: The dance of democracy

... ader Tsai Ing-wen is set to become Taiwan's first female president, trouncing her KMT rival Eric Chu and helping her group regain control of the island's affairs after eight years. Polls show Tsai ahe ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

Why HK people love to watch Taiwan election festival

Thousands of Hong Kong people, including politicians, media practitioners and students, are traveling to Taiwan to observe the conduct of the general elections on the island on Saturday. It's certainl ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-15

Nativist sentiments can crystallize into something else

Hong Kong could get an answer from Beijing on Lee Bo and his associates as mainland officials will, sooner or later, produce trumped up criminal charges against the Hong Kong booksellers. One thing, h ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-13


... 士丹利、野村、荷蘭的ING和瑞穗進行債券交易,但交易令5大行合共虧損至少9700萬英鎊(近11億港元),其中法 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月12日

How Beijing is helping Taiwanese to choose their leader

Taiwan's people will go to the polling stations Jan. 16 to select their president and members of the legislature. The pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party's candidate, Tsai Ing-wen, is the cl ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-08

China factory activity shrinks for 10th month in a row

China's factory activity contracted for the 10th straight month in December, and at a sharper pace than in November, a private survey showed. The Caixin/Markit China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-04

Five more major themes of the financial markets in 2015

Last week, I shared with readers the first five of the top 10 major themes in the financial markets in 2015. Let me now talk about the remaining five. Sixth, China’s stock market outperformed despite ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31

Beijing sends a reminder to Taiwanese doing business in China

Beijing will not allow any Taiwanese person doing business in mainland China to show support for pro-independence activities on the island, a top official reiterated Wednesday. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31

China's knee-jerk reaction to a small US-Taiwan arms deal

China responded with a knee-jerk reaction to the Obama Administration's announcement of a US$1.83 billion arms sales package for Taiwan, summoning the charge d’affaires at the American embassy for a d ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-22

瑞信:內銀股連日反彈 農行購23758中行購12255

... 報道指荷蘭國際集團(ING)放棄收購滙豐(00005)土耳其業務,滙豐將另覓買家。 另有報道指,滙豐已開始向內 ...全文



... 報道指荷蘭國際集團(ING)放棄收購滙控(00005)土耳其業務,滙控將另覓買家。另有報道指出,滙控開始向內地 ...全文


瑞信:港交所重上200元 港交購23912

... 報道指荷蘭國際集團(ING)放棄收購滙豐(00005)土耳其業務,滙豐將另覓買家。 另有報道指,滙豐已開始向內 ...全文


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