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投資者及理財教育委員會今天推出「疫情下要 Keep 好你身『財』」教育及宣傳活動,向市民提供財務管理貼士,在當 ...全文


In worsening China-US dispute, what role should Europe play?

... erring to keep quiet while the Americans complained loudly about a lack of reciprocity, about forced transfers of technology and other issues. But, beginning last year, the Europeans have taken a hard ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-22

Smart city business opportunities in ASEAN countries

... re cannot keep up with the economic development. There is an urgent need for improvement. Recently, the Vietnam government has formulated a series of national policies for the development of smart cit ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-21

Banking post Covid: What will change and what won’t

... customers keep banking during the early outbreak of Covid – examples of which include collaboration to increase the availability of video banking services in some markets. We predict that this coopera ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-18

Will home market keep the winning roll beyond 2020?

Hong Kong residential property market seems invincible. Save for the six years under the first Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa, there was hardly a sustained drop in arguably one of the best performing a ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-16

Time’s up for US-listed Chinese companies

... ould help keep mispricing between the two exchanges to a minimum. Over time, if Chinese companies eventually decide to delist from the U.S., it will certainly be a negative to smaller retail investors ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-15

The V-Shaped recovery marches on

...  they can keep their recoveries on track. That is what we know now as of mid-September. To be any more confident about the prospects for a sustained economic recovery in late 2020 and into 2021, we wi ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-11

美鈔核武號令天下 特朗普連任勝算高

... 為「偉大美國萬歲」(Keep America Great, KAG)。特朗普如何能把「偉大」恒常化,答案是撕破 ...全文


Lenovo: From a hardware supplier to an IT solution provider

... d like to keep their operations leaner,” said Yu, “they would like to shift away from the capital expenditure (Capex) model to an operating expenditure (Opex) model, which they pay for their monthly u ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-25

疫情下總統選舉 誰執牛耳

... 「讓美國繼續強大」(Keep America Great )的競選口號謀求連任,惟疫情肆虐,嚴重影響經濟與民生 ...全文



... 哉,他們也許會說那個keep得幾好、演保鑣的靚仔大叔;說到山口智子,例牌一臉茫然,不知二人在四分一個世紀前,如 ...全文


Hong Kong’s unique scheme for subsidising the rich

... ggling to keep alive as business goes through the floor, supermarkets have not only enjoyed buoyant business but have been raising prices during the coronavirus pandemic. So, why on earth do they need ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-21

Pan-Democrats Should Remain in the LegCo

... sition to keep in check the government and the politica ...全文

今日信報時事評論Brian YS Wong2020年08月21日

Pan-democrats should remain in the LegCo

... sition to keep in check the government and the political establishment. From tardy responsiveness to the COVID-19 Pandemic to ill-thought-through proposals concerning housing reform, from tokenistic e ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-20

Are financial markets none the wiser?

... ould well keep rising toward the 4,000 level (up from 2,878 at the time of my April commentary). To be sure, just five tech stocks are fueling the S&P 500’s rise, and bearish observers would point ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-14

Covid-19: Beijing’s response to HK plea shows who is in charge

... it should keep in mind that Beijing may decide to give more than it is asked. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11

抗疫Keep It Up網上慈善演唱會

香港永樂海外集團聯同罐頭創意有限公司,與iMeddy網上醫療平台早前以livestream形式於Faceboo ...全文


傳統藍籌受壓 向中型股埋手

... 形象還要高尚得多。 Keep it simple and stupid,簡簡單單部署和指數基金對着幹,就已經足 ...全文



依家9點37分,恒指已經開咗市,開市報24664點,升206點;至依家升幅仍然keep住,至什199點,做緊2 ...全文


Juggling through the pandemic

Juggling looks effortless, but as anyone who’s tried it knows, it’s not. Months, even years of practice go into perfecting the balance and coordination skills that keep multiple balls flying confident ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-22

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