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YOHO Town車位叫220萬直逼西九

私樓車位有價,新地(00016)發展的元朗YOHO Town,由於只在樓盤開售初期沽出少量車位,其餘留作收租, ...全文



南非有3個首都,分別是行政、司法及立法,開普敦(Cape Town)為南非的立法首都,也是南非人口排名第二的大 ...全文



... 再加入大隊在Mid Town酒店對面橫街的一家亞洲餐廳Obao吃晚飯。這小店很多泰國菜都做得不錯,特別是他們的 ...全文


31 killed, nearly 150 injured in Istanbul airport attack

... k to Cape Town with his wife after a holiday in southern Turkey. "We ducked behind a counter but I stood up and watched him. Two explosions went off shortly after one another. By that time he had stop ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-29

槍殺事件後 更多人買槍

... 飯。 結果在Mid Town我們酒店附近,東55街一家中國餐館Shun Lee Palace,網上口碑不錯,都 ...全文


Why helicopter money is not such an outlandish idea for Europe

... y game in town”, relieving elected government leaders of their responsibility for pro-growth policies and the fiscal decisions they control. A less risky and time-tested route for stimulating demand w ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

檳城 舊城古味!

... 喬治(George Town)被聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)評定為世界文化遺產,自然有它特別的原因。喜歡檳 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化食家講場Walter Kei2016年06月25日

環球樓市升幅表現最佳 溫哥華去年樓價均升逾22%跑贏大市
River Green連排別墅在港首推 售價僅港幣4500元/呎

... ,已能享受雙層單位;Town House則由加幣110餘萬起(約港幣640餘萬元,港幣5,000餘元起/呎)能 ...全文



... ,跟社會也有關連,「town and gown」關係密切,此之謂也,無法阻擋。事後,中大校董會同意組織一次討論 ...全文


Booksellers' saga: the mystery of the men in black from Ningbo

... lready in town since March and has kept his lips sealed, to hand over the hard disk to their agents? Also, why is the Ningbo public security bureau leading the investigation when it could have been mo ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-22

Lam Wing-kee epitomizes the spirit of Hong Kong people

... lk of the town for his unwavering advocacy of Hong Kong independence. Thanks to the internet, the traditional print and broadcast media no longer have the monopoly on the dissemination of information, ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-22

Venezia提價加推 191伙周末賣
呎價1.06萬 累收2400票

... 幅度,其中YOHO Town 5座中層B室,實用面積393方呎,原業主兩個月前叫價440萬元,周一(20日)減 ...全文


What Beijing’s stooges in HK and Taiwan’s KMT have in common

... ackeys in town are responding to the latest episode of this saga. TVB, now being ridiculed as CCTVB for parroting Beijing’s views, has angered its audience after it abruptly scrapped an interview with ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-21

怡保 咖啡香飄舊街場

... 濃的舊街場(Old Town)白咖啡,伴着溫暖的陽光,悠然地度過一個下午,令人有回到了十九世紀的感覺。 當地政 ...全文


Why Miss Hong Kong now sells fishballs

... ing up in town, even inside MTR stations. Halina’s shop sells a set of fishballs, usually six pieces, for HK$10, eight pieces of fish siu mai for HK$15 and a bowl of bean noodles "shark's fin" soup fo ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-10

Social media post helps Henan police track down child kidnapper

... oman to a town 20 kilometers away from the boy's home. When police officers arrived, they found the kidnapper looking totally different from the person in the photo. It was then that they realized tha ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-10

'Don't badmouth HK': A mainland girl rebukes her fellow citizens

...  commuter town in the neighboring Heibei province, and spend more than three hours a day packed like sardines on the peak-hour train, or rent a nice condo in the downtown Chaoyang (朝陽) district where ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-08

Henderson Land starts removing protesters in Fanling site

... osing new town developments, formed a human chain and tried to pull down the wire fencing, but were caught in a series of scuffles with the guards. Henderson Land has been granted an extension of a co ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-03

What Chinese buyers of North America property must bear in mind

... n average town house in downtown Vancouver now goes for 1.4 million Canadian dollars. According to some observers, Canada is now facing its worst home affordability crisis ever. Most Canadians blame i ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-23

Nigeria schoolgirl rescued from Boko Haram after two years

... northeast town of Chibok. Reuters is reporting that the girl and her four-month old baby were rescued by soldiers working with a civilian vigilante group. They were found in a remote area in the count ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-19

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