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金改法案制定者 撐鮑公續掌儲局

美國在金融海嘯後通過金融改革法案《多德–弗蘭克法案》(Dodd-Frank Act),該法案兩位「設計師」前參 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年09月15日

Changing the climate of financial regulation

... ments are actively working to repurpose instruments like stress tests, living wills, and risk-based capital standards – all within their existing mandates. They are also pursuing new alliances with lo ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-13

Why America must go big on infrastructure

...  and Jobs Act (IIJA) by a large majority. The bill now must pass the House of Representatives, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi has secured an agreement for a vote by the end of September. Approval looks li ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-10

Monetary order and international security

... a Chinese act of sabotage, Japan created a pretext for invading and seizing Manchuria. The League was powerless in the face of these machinations. The Japanese provocation merely underscored a point m ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-09

COVID-19 and human freedom

... ed people act so irrationally, against their own interest, against science, and against the lessons of history? Part of the answer is that the country, for all of its wealth, is not as well-educated a ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-08

美得州禁墮胎 司法部擬挑戰

... 自由法》(FACE Act)的法律,保護那些尋求獲得或提供生殖健康(reproductive health)服 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年09月08日

Back to the 1970s

... that. In fact, the roots of sustained inflation mainly stem from political economy problems, and here the long list of similarities between the 1970s and today is unsettling. At home, following a peri ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-06


... ppression Act),但遭高等法院否決,薩姆蘇丁並於今年7月獲釋。 奧克蘭超市襲擊增至7傷 與此同時, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年09月06日

Prosecuting ecocide

... t certain acts are so egregious that, whoever the immediate victim may be, they concern us all. Soon after, in 1948, a particular crime against humanity – genocide – was incorporated in a new treaty. ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-03

得州懷孕滿六周禁墮胎 拜登尋推翻

... Heartbeat Act)的嚴苛反墮胎法,規定除非有緊急醫療情況,懷孕超過6周、即可以偵測嬰兒心跳的婦女不得 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年09月03日

Don’t break up social media, bifurcate it

... hment’s reaction to this new age was multifaceted, but three of its decisions are worth highlighting: power was recentralized in the hands of the pope; the Index of Forbidden Books was created; and th ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-02

Will Biden make a historic mistake at the Fed?

...  he would act bravely, wisely, and in a nonpartisan fashion. In the 2000s, he put partisan loyalty first, endorsing Republican President George W. Bush’s 2001 and 2003 tax cuts even though he evidentl ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-02

How paradigm blindness leads to bad policy

... it is impractical in a highly complex global system. And yet, we remain committed to it. This leaves us blind to the obvious – including our own blindness – and vulnerable to conceptual traps and coll ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

Global wealth migration supercharged by Asian HNWIs

... y have impacted the appetite for these countries and shifted the demand to other locations such as Singapore, Portugal, and Greece. In Hong Kong, citizens have always enjoyed excellent mobility with t ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

On Townhalls

... e them in active, cordial conversation, listen to and r ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年08月31日

百年花生醬大廠J.M. Smucker翻身有望

...  American Act)使聯邦政府增加採購美國貨比例,甚至較特朗普有過之而無不及。巿況波動,更令低啤打(B ...全文


On townhalls

... e them in active, cordial conversation, listen to and respond to their demands, and – ideally – channel the findings and products of the discussion into the policymaking process. Town halls are a mean ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-27


... Sanctions Act, CAATSA)與禁運相關的法案名單,可謂直接手段。 2017年美國以「維護全球人 ...全文



... d Reserve Act of 1934),實行金本位制,美元和黃金固定掛鈎,把黃金價格定在每盎斯34美元。 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2021年08月27日


... phan Drug Act),提供更快捷亦更容易得到FDA批文的途徑。第二是藥廠的聲譽:可以自詡是為了救治病人 ...全文


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