... of China, central Asia and Europe. The other, presented by the exile Uighur community, NGOs and western governments, describe “re-education camps” where Muslims are forced to live and work and attend ...More
EJ Insight2021-04-06
... dollar’s centrality gives the US government too much access to global transactions information. This is also a major concern in Europe. In principle, dollar transactions could be cleared anywhere in ...More
EJ Insight2021-04-05
... . Kowloon Central Cluster, a hospital cluster managed by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority serving more than 1.1 million citizens in the districts, is one of the most representative cases in Hong Kong. ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-29
新地(00016)旗下何文田太子道西195號Prince Central早前推出首批50伙,之後決定稍後以現樓 ...全文
新地(00016)旗下何文田太子道西195號Prince Central早前推出首批50伙,之後決定稍後以現樓 ...全文
... 幢新盤Prince Central,本月初開放示範單位並以折實平均呎價29688元推出首批50伙價單,但發展商 ...
... ld play a central role in this effort. Whereas the World Bank estimates that the pandemic may drive up to 150 million additional people globally below the poverty line of $1.90 per day, billionaires e ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-25
... s and the central government. I forget which she said came first – Hongkongers or the central government. But we now know she serves only one master. She no longer runs Hong Kong. Beijing does through ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-25
... s and the central government. I forget which she said c ...全文
今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2021年03月25日
... ement are central to ensuring the secure supplies on which economic development depends. Wetlands are the planet’s best solutions to the existential issue of freshwater supply. We can have enough here ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-24
Central banks’ unconventional policies undoubtedly rescued financial markets in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic was at its height. But those actions now leave central banks joined at the hip with cred ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-23
... 95號Prince Central改以現樓方式銷售。Prince Central早前推出首批50伙,實用面積2 ...全文
... Acton地鐵站有Central Line往倫敦市中心和其他地區,其周邊已劃作高鐵HS2用地。從Portal ...全文
... that the Central Administration had been thrown under ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年03月17日
... 95號Prince Central突然變陣,改以現樓方式銷售。 新地代理總經理胡致遠表示,瓏珀山最快下周至本月 ...全文
新地(00016)旗下何文田太子道西195號Prince Central早前推出首批50伙。新地副董事總經理雷 ...全文
... that the Central Administration had been thrown under the bus by the ineptitude of the domestic ruling elite – is a plausible and reasonable interpretation of events, especially in light of the massi ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-16
... es of the central government’s largesse in the distribution of new seats. Top of the list is the Tai-Po Kai Fong Condom Recycling Society, justifiably recognized for its contribution to the economy. A ...More
EJ Insight2021-03-15
... 央」(BioMed Central),施普林格自此加大投資OA期刊。2015年施普林格再與英國科技出版社「自然 ...全文