... 續減持國際商業機器(IBM),持股縮三分之一, 至3700萬股,總值約54億美元。 老虎基金悉售Alphabe ...全文
... including IBM, Google and Intel, are dedicated to developing computing of the next generation to cope with the enormous demand for data analysis. Last Friday, IBM announced the development of a quantu ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-15
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has sold another large chunk of its stake in IBM Corp, while adding to its holdings in Apple, in a significant rejig of the company's investment portfolio. Berkshir ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-15
... Corp. and IBM Corp. are also facing tough new regulatory challenges in localizing their data storage units. Global firms in China, including Apple Inc., have this year transferred data to Chinese vent ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-15
... ,包括Google、IBM及Intel均致力研發下一代的運算技術,以應付海量的數據分析需求。其中,IBM在上周 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月15日
... %,屬中游位置。至於IBM及通用電氣(GE)的實際稅率更低,過去5季中位數分別為10%及1%,受惠稅改有限。I ...全文
... 量「受眾」服務,有賴IBM致力於種種相關音響設備的開發(IBM製造這類設備,人所共知,但是否原創者,學界有不同 ...全文
... 領域,離不開老字號嘅IBM和賺大錢嘅蘋果。畢翁雖把貝索斯捧到上天,但要巴郡重倉亞馬遜,價值基因洗都洗唔甩的股神 ...全文
... ng, while IBM is gaining market share in its sweet spot of hosted private cloud services. It is becoming increasingly difficult for cloud providers outside of the leading pack to make an impression on ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-01
... s Google, IBM and Oracle Corp., grew 90 percent compared to a 97 percent growth rate in the preceding quarter. Azure’s strong performance helped lift the gross margin at Microsoft’s cloud business to ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-27
... , Google, IBM and Microsoft. “Why are they vigilant all of a sudden? Because they know that the country is losing its advantage in AI technology.” Shang said that with a rich portfolio of intellectual ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-24
... cebook、微軟及IBM組成一個AI聯盟,「為何嚴陣以待?因為看到在AI領域,美國未必再有優勢。」美國的AI ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年10月24日
美國科技巨頭國際商業機器(IBM)的銷售雖然再次沒有增長,營業額連續跌了22個季度,但也只是減少了0.4%,跌 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年10月20日
... 。 國際商業機器(IBM)業績好,股價周三勁漲8.7%,推升道指。而標指僅升1點,納指微揚不足1點。 8月9 ...全文
... 7%,報2561點。IBM大漲8.9%,創6個月新高,亦創下自2009年1月份以來的最大單日升幅,是道指上升的 ...全文
A new fund will let robots pick stocks. The AI Powered Equity Exchange-Traded Fund, which launched in the United States on Wednesday, will use IBM Corp’s Watson artificial intelligence technology to p ...More
EJ Insight2017-10-19
國際商業機器(IBM)預期,已經連續下跌超過5年的營業額有望回升,本季估計按年增長1.5%左右,到220億至2 ...全文