
共 924 個結果
頁數:1...39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Obama to rename tallest mountain in North America

Mount McKinley, North America's tallest peak, was set to be renamed Denali on Monday. US President Barack Obama was to officially restore the mountain's native name at the start of his three-day visit ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-31

鑽嶺盡推餘貨48伙 累收近千票

... 1972)旗下鰂魚涌MOUNT PARKER RESIDENCES昨天削減從價印花稅回贈,由4.25%減至4% ...全文


Obama won't rule out endorsing Biden or Clinton in 2016

... quired to mount a successful national presidential campaign.” -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-25

悉尼「富貴區」 情迷大宅門

... 該區南面、靠近水濱的Mount Street 2號A洋房,今年2月以506萬澳元(約2878萬港元)賣出。這間 ...全文



... 元,包括瀚然、蔚然及MOUNT PARKER等。營業盈利增27%至10.25億元,毛利率相當於去年,是樓市組合 ...全文


派息42.5仙 擬再增土儲

...  Gate和豪宅項目Mount Nicholson,部分項目或在12月底獲批預售,若在明年1月才取得預售,便會 ...全文


Twelve Peaks挑戰白加道紀錄

... 合作的聶歌信山道項目Mount Nicholson,提供19座洋房和48個分層單位,亦有機會今年內推出。 ...全文



... ,有開普敦半島之稱的Mount Nelson Hotel的莊園式餐廳陽台上和朋友們愜意地享用一頓豐富又美味的晨 ...全文



... 資助出售房屋單位。 MOUNT PAVILIA末季推 信置西半山The Fairmont及新世界(00017) ...全文


Activision Blizzard質優 只嫌價高

... lywood is Mount Olympus, Lew Wasserman is Zeus'';宙斯是希臘神 ...全文



... orts、騰訊的附屬Mount Qilian,以及陳國強達成協議,美克將配售約35.54億股普通股及162.4 ...全文


Why cabinet reshuffle has pushed CY Leung closer to dead end

... m our paramount leaders to fire the two bureau chiefs that he didn’t like. Readers might still remember that during the NPC and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference meetings back in Marc ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-27

Why it's time for the opposition to mount a major offensive

... s plan to mount an all-out onslaught against the pan-democrats in the upcoming District Council and Legislative Council elections by labeling them as "universal suffrage killers". To make matters wors ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-23

Buddhist monks earn little in mainland, survey shows

... Temple in Mount Putuo in Zhejiang province told a netizen the monthly income of monks at the temple was nearly 8,000 yuan, and they have two months of vacation each year. The survey said Buddhist temp ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-09

Pro-govt camp will soon have to pay for its fatal mistake

... as set to mount a massive offensive against them in the upcoming district council and Legislative Council elections, in an attempt to annihilate the pan-democrats and eliminate them from the political ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-29

Buddhist teacher reveals secret to full and happy life

... stantial amount for victims of the disaster. “I have to utilize all people and resources possible to buy food and tents for eight villages. Our people have been conducting relief work in those areas,” ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-27

以弧制角 自然居庭

... 安樂窩。 這個鰂魚涌Mount Parker Residences的居室,擁有1800方呎的面積,居室四周有多 ...全文


A home inspector who hates property speculation

... e Avenue, Mount One, The Woodside and the High Place," Tsim says. What is his relationship with local property developers? He said it was quite bad at the beginning, but now the developers have accept ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-20

紅磡VIVA 436萬入場
首推38伙 開價低同區傲形20%

... 作發展的超級豪宅山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON網頁昨天開通,發展商表示項目未有最新銷售時間表,維持第三季推 ...全文


Everest moved 40 cm in past decade, say Chinese experts

Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, has moved 40 centimeters to the northeast over the past 10 years, with its height increasing by three centimeters, according to China's National Administration ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-16

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