
共 922 個結果
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娉廷月底標售 山頂洋房截擊

... 及南豐合作發展的山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON第一期亦推出6號洋房測市,並搶先於本周六同日招標及截標,爭奪 ...全文


逸瓏園開齋沽一伙 短期加推

... 地產及南豐發展的山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON第1期樓書周五已上載銷監局網頁,會德豐地產發言人表示,第1期 ...全文


Home prices plunge below market levels amid poor sentiment

... m unit at Mount East in North Point saw its price cut by HK$1.6 million in four months. The unit was sold at HK$8.2 million, or HK$14,900 per square foot, after an aggregate price cut of 16.3 percent. ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-03

西西里 三角火山島

... 西西里的埃特納火山(Mount Etna)爆發,噴出的火山灰柱高達7公里,影響飛機航班。 雖然面對火山爆發的威 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化街頭煮意Doris Tsang2016年02月03日

Cloudy Bay釀酒師夢想成真

... 散澳洲各地,住在南澳Mount Torrens的那個更是13年沒有見面,遂決定只留3個星期給紐西蘭。 無懈可擊 ...全文


歐盟成員國 投資新樂土

... 菲亞近郊的維托莎山(Mount Vitosha),設有15條滑雪道供選擇,適合初學者及專業玩家,由市中心前往只 ...全文


Japanese grenades keep turning up for these war relic hunters

... er on the Mount Parker hillside in Quarry Bay. A year ago, the group recovered four grenades, 54 bullets and a mortar in Black’s Link. Wartime Japanese grenades found near Hong Kong Parkview (Nov. 30, ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-28

North Korea long-range missile launch maybe only a week away

... arhead to mount on a missile but many experts say it is still some time away from perfecting the technology. The Japanese government source said a missile launch could occur in about a week at the ear ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-28

Tsai's ambiguity brings equilibrium in cross-strait relations

... e KMT may mount a comeback. So why bother to nitpick Tsai’s fuzziness? This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Jan. 21. Translation by Frank Chen [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-22


... 及南豐合作發展的山頂MOUNT NICHOLSON,將令市場注意力重新集中在豪宅身上。 美國聯儲局上月決定加息 ...全文



... 下公司Golden Mount Ltd.賣出1億股並繼續持有約0.7%,即1016萬股,套現5500萬元;交易 ...全文


How China's richest man deploys IT in management

... hallenges mount along with the scale of the group's business, Wang -- who is China's richest man -- has realized that relying on people alone won't be enough. For years, China's biggest commercial pro ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-07

Cisco cleared in patent case related to Wi-Fi technology

... n able to mount a defense based on its "good faith belief" that Commil's patent was invalid. A three-judge Federal Circuit panel on Monday ruled in favor of Cisco. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-29

Jogging up Mount Parker of Hong Kong Island

... trails at Mount Parker on Hong Kong Island is highly recommended. I often start at Quarry Bay Park, jogging past Nan Fung Sun Chuen and then climbing uphill via Quarry Bay Tree Walk. Soon I arrive at ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-19


... ,西奈半島的西奈山(Mount Sinai)是上帝頒布「十誡」之地,而摩西領受之處後來被建成聖凱瑟琳修道院(S ...全文

今日信報EJ Global國際隨緣家書沈旭暉2015年12月18日

Philippines plans backup capital in case of disaster

...  ago when Mount Pinatubo in Pampanga province erupted, covering the air base in ash and destroying buildings. The Southeast Asian country is one of the worst affected by storms, volcanoes and other na ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-16

How a desert sprang up in the middle of Myanmar

... and reach Mount Popa (波帕山), home to a significant temple, a place imbued with legend and lore. Accompanied by a cacophony masquerading as music, third-gender mediums imbibe alcohol and cigarettes on h ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-12

CAPRI 8號屋呎售2萬 低特色戶逾16%

... 旗下位於西貢清水灣的MOUNT PAVILIA已命名傲瀧,項目正申請售樓紙,有機會為新世界明年推盤「頭炮」。傲 ...全文


Hong Kong activists mount online defense of country parks

Hong Kong environmental groups are planning a social media storm to protest a government plan to develop country parks for housing. They will start uploading photos online on Dec. 13 under the hastag ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-01

War relic hunters recover WWII grenade

... ullets at Mount Parker in Quarry Bay. On Jan. 16, David discovered four WWII Japanese hand grenades, 54 bullets and a mortar on a slope at 60 Black's Link. -- Contact us at [email protected] DY/JP/FL ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

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