
共 1456 個結果
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美股漲逾1% 亞馬遜飆3%

... 得上升,表現最強的是VISA,暫攀升2.5%;紐約期油反彈2.59%,報每桶49.20美元,油股雪佛龍股價現時 ...全文


Challenges and opportunities in digital payments

...  study by Visa showed that consumers across Europe are ready to use biometrics when making a payment: Over two-thirds (68 percent) of Europeans are willing to use biometrics as a method of payment aut ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-31

As Chinese travelers flock to Japan, so do Chinese investors

... l tourism visa more than twice over last three years can apply for five-year multiple entry visa next year. The influx of Chinese tourists to Japan has drawn Chinese investors to the country as well. ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-31

How the government works in the dark

... rs of the visa application the Immigration Department wrote that Lim had been denied entry on grounds that he ‘did not possess a special skill, knowledge or experience of value’. No wonder this sort o ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-28

WeChatPay HK開通內地商戶支付

...  Pay香港錢包綁定Visa或Mastercard信用卡、銀行卡或銀行賬戶,亦可獲10元通用優惠券。   ...全文



支付系統營運商Visa昨表示,以作價1.98億英鎊(約19.6億港元)收購英國跨境支付服務商Earthport ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2018年12月28日

紐油飆超過12% 道指強勢彈逾900點

... .8%。金融股回升,VISA上漲6.2%,高盛彈3.6%。30隻道指成份股全數告升。 油價周三大幅反彈,紐約原 ...全文


油價帶動道指飆逾600點 亞馬遜彈7%

... 8%。金融股亦回升,VISA上漲4.7%,高盛則反彈2.4%。30隻道指成份股全數告升。 油價周三大幅反彈,紐 ...全文


美股重拾升軌 道指反覆飆逾500點

... 3%。金融股亦回升,VISA上漲3.9%,高盛則反彈0.9%。30隻道指成份股全數告升。 油價周三大幅反彈,紐 ...全文


道指抹掉282點升幅轉跌 納指持穩

... %。金融股個別發展,VISA上漲2.2%,高盛則下滑2.1%。 白宮顧問:鮑威爾和努欽職位穩固 美國白宮經濟顧 ...全文


道指飆394點轉跳水 尾段插逾400

... 國運通都跌4.0%,VISA跌幅亦有3.7%;微軟挫3.2%,五大科技股FAANG表現差,Alphabet跌3 ...全文


時代變 價值變 股王變

... 別佔15以及34位的Visa與Mastercard, 1967年時,一個未滿十歲,一個剛誕生不久。近年出盡風頭 ...全文


Govt dismisses talk of Huawei CFO holding multiple HK passports

... ill has a visa which remains valid, Lee said. Lee said he won't comment on individual cases, but the comments came in the wake of a passport-related controversy surrounding a mainland Chinese corporat ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-11

Why the Sabrina Meng passport saga is a cause for concern

...  overseas visa, the holder can apply to cross link the existing passport with the new one with the Immigration Department. Yet even so, the old passport is still considered invalid under the existing ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-11

憂經濟放緩貿戰難休 道指曾插597點

... %。金融股表現亦差,VISA暫跌2.8%,高盛回落2.3%,摩根大通下滑2%。 油組達成減產協議的消息利好油價 ...全文


科技股插水 道指反覆挫逾400點

... 高盛暫回落2.5%,VISA都跌2.2%,摩根大通下滑1.4%。 油組達成減產協議的消息利好油價,紐約原油期貨 ...全文


道指插超過800點 三大指數齊挫逾3%

... 摩根大通、美國運通和VISA的跌幅暫時介乎4.5%至3.2%。 中美兩國元首日前定下90天的貿易談判限期,美國 ...全文


道指瀉逾600點 波音Caterpillar領跌

... 摩根大通、美國運通和VISA的跌幅暫時介乎2.0%至2.7%。 龍頭銀行股挫逾2% 中美兩國元首日前定下90天 ...全文


How HK should defend itself amid the Sino-US trade war

... - such as visa denial for Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet, enforcement of “co-location arrangements” for the Express Rail Link, disqualification of pro-democracy election candidates and ousti ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-30

聚焦中美貿易關係 道指反覆低收27點

... 幅最大的道指成份股;VISA回落1.6%,美國運通、高盛都回吐約1.4%。升幅最大的道指成份股為波音,上漲2. ...全文


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