
共 1453 個結果
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HK housing price correction: How far will it go?

... nvestment visa program has been suspended since 2015. Now, if authorities remove the BSD and resume the investment visa scheme, it would put a floor under the housing market. All in all, the most like ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-13

Author raises free speech issue as HK arts center pulls events

... nied work visa renewal for Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet, Mo said. In a statement on Thursday, the Hong Kong Journalists Association said the Badiucao and Ma cases will add to fears that fr ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-09

HK says no explanation after denying entry to journalist Mallet

...  his work visa a month earlier, and had instead given him a tourist visa for seven days to wrap up his affairs in the city. Asked about the government's latest move on Mallet, Lee told reporters: "Thi ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-09

Hong Kong travelers: always mobile, always on

Hong Kongers love traveling, taking on average 2.7 trips a year, according to Visa’s research. The accessibility of information at the fingertip has changed Hong Kongers’ travel habit. The latest Visa ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-08

港人外遊手機不離手 喜愛發掘個性化深度體驗

... 旅遊生態有所轉變。據Visa調查指出,港人旅遊習慣「隨時在線」,外遊時對手機資訊依賴程度大幅高於全球平均水平, ...全文



... 「EARNMORE VISA」卡進行測試,發卡機構並無向卡主發出SMS驗證碼,令記者能冒認卡主把該信用卡綑綁至 ...全文


CE bombarded with questions over Mallet visa during Japan visit

...  the work visa for the Asia news editor of the Financial Times, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. They asked her whether the move indicated her government was tightening restrictions on press fr ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-02

金融和科技股帶動 道指下午飆逾400點

... 2.64%。 金融股VISA股價飆4.4%,暫為表現最強道指成分股,高盛攀升4.2%,摩根大通都上揚2.8%。 ...全文



... 。 「免簽證計劃」(Visa Waiver Program)於1986年由列根政府提出,讓特定國家的公民基於旅 ...全文

今日信報時事評論王家豪 羅金義2018年10月31日

Taiwan de facto envoy to HK still in limbo over visa approval

...  his work visa application. And because of that, the TECOHK, a civilian-level organization that is serving as Taiwan’s de facto consulate in the city, has remained leaderless since the beginning of Au ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-29

How Faster Payment System can change the game for restaurants

... topus and Visa PayWave for payment options, and they were not even widely adopted, as restaurants in Hong Kong had their transactions mainly by cash. Things have changed after the two major payment se ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-26

收款即時到賬 增業務彈性

... ,市場上僅有八達通及Visa payWave電子支付平台,市場發展空間狹窄,餐飲業仍流行現金交易。業務繁忙、節 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月26日

Why it is in Beijing’s best interests to uphold HK core values

... denial of visa for Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet, the mysterious disappearance of staff members of Causeway Bay Books, and the outlawing of a political party. As a result, some countries an ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-25

Is Carrie Lam capable of rekindling hope in Hong Kong?

... celed the visa of Victor Mallet, who hosted a Foreign Correspondents' Club lunch talk by independence advocate Andy Chan Ho-tin. The only large-scale protest recently was against the government's prop ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-25

【國際早班車】聯儲褐皮書:美經濟溫和增長 工資物價揚

... 每股盈利遜預期。■ Visa第四季純利升33.2%,每股盈利勝預期。■ 微軟第一季純利按年升34%,每股盈利勝 ...全文


Visa上季業績符預期 市後股價揚

全球最大信用卡營運商之一Visa公布,截至9月30日止第四季淨利潤升33.2%至28.5億美元(222.3億港 ...全文


Is Carrie Lam capable of rekindling hope in Hong Kong?

... celed the visa of Victor Mallet, who hosted a Foreign C ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2018年10月25日

Goldman-backed fintech startup Marqeta launches in Europe

...  Inc. and Visa Inc., Marqeta has developed a platform that it says makes payment card issuing and processing simpler and more efficient for businesses. It is expanding in Europe through its partnershi ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-22

【環宇搜股】蘋果危危乎 買TECS等跌

... 倉分別為蘋果、微軟及Visa,佔整個ETF持股分別19.8%、17.1%及5.2%,尤其蘋果上日再度失守50天 ...全文


Zhang Xiaoming: Zero tolerance for HK independence

...  the work visa of Victor Mallet, Financial Times’ Asia news editor and first vice-president of Hong Kong’s Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC). Zhang was also quoted as saying that since Hong Kong retu ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-19

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