
共 3000 個結果
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得州州長打齊針確診 籌款不戴罩

... 疫苗是「愛的表現」(act of love),他呼籲所有人都應該打針,讓疫情能早日結束。 此外,新加坡一名40 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global新冠肺炎2021年08月19日

China fears domino effect in Eastern Europe

... er states act together along with EU institutions." Lithuania was, like the other two Baltic States, illegally occupied by the Soviet Union from 1944 until it regained its independence in 1990. Its pe ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-16

A much-needed wake-up call

... s to the fact that climate change not only is real, but ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年08月14日

消費靠派錢 美國GDP增幅遜色

... abilities Act)申請傷殘津貼,獲受免歧視保護。 當下美國勞工短缺,醫療系統爆煲,若再添數以百萬計失 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2021年08月13日

A much-needed wake-up call

... s to the fact that climate change not only is real, but that it is high time that we realised how little time we had. The wake-up call was unpleasant, cacophonous, and could not have come at a time an ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-12


... mpetition Act)則提出了相應的行動,承諾投入2500億美元用於促進人工智能、機械人和量子計算等新興 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年08月06日

The summer of disaster

... rrifying fact that around one-quarter of the American population apparently believes it (or at least some part of it). One-fifth of Americans think that the US government is using COVID-19 vaccination ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-06

美國雅培支付逾12億 結束醫保違規調查

... se Claims Act)部分。 據司法部公告,案件涉及雅培在2017年收購的Alere Inc及其分支Ar ...全文



...  and Jobs Act),達2700頁的法案文本將很快完成,之後會交至大會,容許參議員作出修訂。他表明,若 ...全文



... policy to act as a source of uncertainty impulses or, t ...全文


拜登:新冠康復者有後遺症 受殘疾法保護

... abilities Act)生效31周年的紀念活動時稱,部分新冠康復者會有較長期的後遺症,例如呼吸不順、意識迷 ...全文



...  years to act」,你會看到一個完全不一樣的世界。 對於年齡比較大、已經「上岸」的成功人士,不論有多 ...全文



...  Diseases Act)、《災害管理法》(Disaster Management Act)和《印度刑法典》 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年07月23日

滴滴出行突下架 美投資者無保障

... countable Act),規定若外資企業不遵守美國的會計審核標準,將把這些公司從美國證交所除牌。有關法案下 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2021年07月23日

【利安特約】卡加利低學費、低生活成本、低樓價成全國最宜居地 卡城西區全新Townhouse大屋只需$40萬加幣

... rotection Act,新樓發展商在交樓之後亦要提供一定的保養,令買家能夠安心。 海外人士亦能承做按揭 如 ...全文


促進與台經貿關係 推動代表處正名

... 》(簡稱EAGLE Act《老鷹法案》)對抗中國,當中有多項涉及台灣的內容,包括敦促美台擴大經貿關係、就駐美代 ...全文


A human-rights approach to global challenges

... easurable actions. In particular, they need to ensure equitable global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and provide adequate financial support to countries most vulnerable to the ravages of climate c ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-15

The global food system isn’t working

...  major impact on nutritionally vulnerable groups, such as young children, pregnant women, and the sick. Even in developed countries, food banks were overwhelmed. COVID-19 has taught us what has gone w ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-15


... ng Rights Act),裁定該州有權禁止由第三方收集選票,並禁止在選區外投票。這案例恐將成為共和黨收緊投 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年07月15日

The stablecoin illusion

he debate over stablecoins has come a long way since Facebook announced the creation of Libra (now rebranded Diem) almost exactly two years ago. An obscure corner of the digital sphere that was poorly ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-14

頁數:1...41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ...150

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