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GAP上月扭頹勢 同店銷售增4%

美國服裝連鎖店GAP去年12月出人意表地錄得同店銷售增長,扭轉公司之前數季業務持續衰落的頹勢,亦與多家百貨店及 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年01月07日

Learning to love a multipolar world

... tructural gap with the US. As economists say, global growth has been “convergent”, meaning that poorer countries have been catching up. The share of the world economy represented by the US has decli ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-30

難頂天價舖租 時裝品牌撤走

... 7年約滿後將不續租;GAP亦將其中一間位於旺角的旗艦店結業。 除此之外,以售賣Polo恤聞名的Ralph La ...全文



... it to GDP gap)上升至30.1,是該行所追蹤國家中最高。參考歷史經驗,國際結算銀行認為,當信貸比率 ...全文

今日信報理財投資市場觀點Salman Ahmed2016年12月30日

Will Europe let Germany lead?

... nvestment gap that hurts domestic productivity and growth, it is not the main culprit behind tepid growth, high unemployment, low competitiveness and other economic ills elsewhere in Europe. Admittedl ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-28

John Tsang's popularity dips as his CE plans still in limbo

... opularity gap between the two has narrowed, the survey suggested. That came as Beijing is yet to approve Tsang's resignation as finance secretary, a move that he announced on December 12 in a apparent ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23


... 中尚未爆升的服裝品牌GAP,就是從女兒的衣着品味中獲得啟發。 寓投資於娛樂,賞心樂事也!一味「死咕咕」躲在室內 ...全文


Why is Kingboard Chemical buying Cathay Pacific shares?

... ket value gap narrows. The investment in Cathay can also be seen as a hedge for Kingboard in relation to oil price movements. If oil prices slide, Kingboard's chemical businesses could get dented, but ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-19

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2016] Family? Beliefs?

... he little gap left opened, as if fearing the slightest mistake in front of Martin could cost him his life. Martin set down the photo on his desk and hurried towards the door. "News from the hospital?" ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-19

[Hong Kong's Top Story 2016] The Sun and The Moon On October 25

... momentary gap of silence. I envisioned the ghostly spirit of my grandma returning and joining us for dinner. Her blurry limbs now charged with the exact silence that conjured her. She sat across me, s ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-19

Ex-HKU student leader owns property damage, denies intimidation

...  the door gap and shouted at the crowd behind him to ask if anyone wanted to see council chairman Arthur Li Kwok-cheung, the court heard. Several protesters came and attempted to pull the glass door o ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-16

A Hong Kong Canadian's love-hate relationship with HK

... education gap that keeps widening. When asked about the education system here, I say two things that sum up my feelings: 1) Life planning starts at two years old, and 2) Education in Hong Kong is made ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-16

The promise of digital finance

... age-point gap could be closed by making mobile banking and digital wallets a reality. But a gender gap will also have to be closed: worldwide, about 200 million fewer women than men have mobile phone ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-15

Pringles vs Klim

... e.g., the gap between his forecasts and actual budget deficit/surplus has risen to about HK$400 billion over a period of nine years) than for his work attitude (many think that he's putting less than ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-13

Ocean Park needs to rethink its business strategy

... d the big gap arise? The answer lies in the revenue composition. Up to 70 percent of Ocean Park's revenue was generated from ticket sales, while goods sales and restaurant revenue made up only 9 perce ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-12

Hong Kong slips in latest education rankings, trailing Singapore

Hong Kong dropped to ninth place in science and second in reading and mathematics to trail Singapore in the latest rankings of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Ming Pao Daily ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-07

To go or not to go – Hong Kong people’s historic dilemma

... he rising gap between property prices in Vancouver and Hong Kong, there is no going back. For many migrants who did not keep a home in Hong Kong, it is the same. Even if they wish to return, they cann ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-01

Is our middle class worse off these days?

... ng wealth gap and the unequal distribution of wealth. According to a 2005 study by the US Congress, the rich (i.e. those making more than US$91,705 a year) held nearly half of the total wealth in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-01

What does it take to attract young talent?

... ridge the gap between millennial employees and your organization by focusing on corporate culture, being social and speeding up the recruitment process. With this, you might be well on your way to get ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-30

Fidel Castro: What he saw that most of the world did not

... ng income gap and uneven wealth distribution as the major causes of social unrest. Ironically, five decades later, Donald Trump was voted into the White House largely because of his pledge to redress ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-29

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