
共 1263 個結果
頁數:1...41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ...64

美牛乍現裂痕 命繫科技巨企

... le、亞馬遜、微軟(Microsoft)和Facebook這4家市值最大的科技企業,其平均的歷史市盈率及預測市 ...全文


Dropbox IPO priced higher than expected on strong demand

... s Google, Microsoft Corp., Amazon.com Inc. and Box Inc., which had a market value of about US$3.1 billion as of Thursday’s close. “For me the biggest problem I have with Dropbox is they don’t have any ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-23

Amazon tops Alphabet in market cap, now No. 2 US-listed firm

... dislodged Microsoft as the No. 3 US company by market capitalization. Past stock gains are not a reliable predictor of future performance, and the surge in Amazon shares in recent years has been excep ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-21

Why Apple’s Macbook is set to outsell iPhones

... Old rival Microsoft has been pushing Windows 10-based machines into schools. Apple could be eyeing the same market segment and studying how it could improve its standing in that segment. Apple has two ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-20

Village Global raises US$100 mln with top tech tycoon backing

... Bezos and Microsoft's Bill Gates. Positioning itself as a entity that offers "connected capital" via a pool of all-star advisors, Village Global also announced a Network Catalyst program as it seeks t ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-20

Wall Street falls as Facebook drags down tech shares

... rcent and Microsoft declined 1.8 percent. “What’s chilling to an investor is whether Facebook will be able to get advertisers to pay for the rich data they pay for today,” said Kim Forrest, a senior p ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-20

【信報月刊】辭了微軟厚職 拉牛送書到尼泊爾 —— 閱讀空間創辦人商業模式辦慈善

他本來是微軟(Microsoft)的明日之星,年薪百萬美元,卻因為一次偶然的尼泊爾登山旅行,毅然辭掉高薪厚職, ...全文


數碼港力推人工智能 帶動企業開創AI商機

... 如何邁向國際市場,而Microsoft香港有限公司區域科技長許遵發更介紹了微軟的人工智能策略,以及人工智能及機 ...全文



... 源,在黑板上繪製空白Microsoft Word文檔的圖像,為學生提供學習的場景。 在臉書上,加禾老師這個空白 ...全文


Xiaomi working 'very, very carefully' to enter US market: CNBC

... ding with Microsoft to work together in the fields of cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and hardware. The move surprised many industry watchers who consider it rare for a major US company ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26

小米微軟再結盟 合作拓雲計算AI

小米與微軟(Microsoft)於周五(23日)簽署戰略性合作備忘錄,雙方將進一步深化戰略性合作夥伴關係。微軟 ...全文


小米微軟達戰略合作 助小米進軍國際

內地手機製造商小米與科技巨擘微軟(Microsoft)簽署戰略性合作備忘錄,雙方將進一步深化戰略性合作夥伴關係 ...全文


Some key trends in education technology

... d issues. Microsoft is working on some related projects. It has made good progress in India. I’ve also seen some deep-learning projects in China. I believe technology will help teachers do a better jo ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-22

Skype驚爆洩密漏洞 微軟坦認「無救」

微軟(Microsoft)旗下即時通訊程式Skype,被保安專家揭發有嚴重漏洞。當用戶更新程式時,黑客可輕易入 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月15日

Facial recognition systems biased toward white men: study

... eloped by Microsoft, IBM and China’s Megvii. When it came to determining the light-skinned males' gender, the error rates of the three systems were never larger than 0.8 percent. But for darker-skinne ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-14


... 色作分類。研究測試了Microsoft、IBM及中國曠視科技等公司幾款支援性別分析功能的臉部識別技術。 結果顯 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月13日

性價比高 值得持有

... 000年,也曾為面對Microsoft和Amazon這些巨無霸的存在而發愁,結果現在……由此可見,江山代有人才 ...全文


How universities can nurture entrepreneurship

If being an entrepreneur is a profession, will universities be able to cultivate talent for it? Both Microsoft's Bill Gates and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg were Harvard dropouts, but were awarded honor ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-05


... (AWS)、the Microsoft Azure、Google Cloud及Oracle Cloud Inf ...全文


Korean e-commerce firm WMP plans to accept virtual currencies

... ech giant Microsoft once stopped accepting bitcoin earlier this month at its store, before resuming the transactions. – Contact us at [email protected] BN/RC ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-30

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